P.M.M. (Pedro) de Faria, Prof

University of Groningen, The Netherlands University of Groningen, The Netherlands University of Groningen, The Netherlands University of Groningen, The Netherlands University of Groningen, The Netherlands Assistant Professor 2009-2015 2002 – 2009 Center for Innovation Technology and Policy Research, IN+ Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon PhD Research Fellow Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2002-2009 |
Innovation Management Cooperation for Innovation Knowledge Protection Strategies Innovation and Internationalization Strategic Human Capital |
[Article Influence Score Percentile 2015 in parentheses] Kok, H., Faems, D. and de Faria, P. (2022) “Pork Barrel or Barrel of Gold? Examining the Performance Implications of Earmarking in Public R&D Grants”, Research Policy, 51(7), 104514. [ABS4*; FT List] (92)
Wyrwich, M., Steinberg, P., Noseleit, F. and de Faria, P. (2022) “Is Cooperation Behavior Imprinted in New Ventures? A Context-Sensitive Perspective on the Cooperation-Inhibiting Legacy of Authoritarian Regimes”, Research Policy, 51(1). [ABS4*; FT List] (92) de Faria P., Schubert T., and Sofka, W. (2021) “Recruiting Strategic Human Capital from MNCs - Does Hiring MNC Managers Enable Exporting in Domestic Firms?” PLoS ONE 16(10). (83) Kok, H., Faems, D. and de Faria, P. (2020) “Knowledge Recombination and Alliance Portfolios: The Role of Partners' Knowledge Integration”, Research Policy, 49(7). [ABS4*; FT List] (92) de Faria, P., Noseleit, F. and Los (2020). “The influence of internal barriers on open innovation”, Industry and Innovation, 27(3), pp. 205-209. [ABS2] (57) Distel, A., Sofka, W., de Faria, P., Ribeiro, A. and Preto, M. (2019) “Dynamic Capabilities for Hire: How Prior Entrepreneurial Experience of MNC Subsidiary Management Affects Performance”, Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming. [ABS4*; FT List] (94) Kok, H., Faems, D. and de Faria, P. (2019) “Dusting the Knowledge Shelves: The Impact of Recombinant Lag on the Technological Value of Inventions", Journal of Management, 45(7), pp. 2807-2836. [ABS4*; FT List] (98) Fonseca, T., de Faria, P. and Lima, F. (2019) “Human Capital and Innovation: The Importance of the Optimal Organizational Task Structure”, Research Policy, 48(3), pp. 616-627. [ABS4*; FT List] (92) Sofka, W., de Faria, P. and Shehu, E. (2018) “Protecting Knowledge: How Legal Requirements to Reveal Information Affect the Importance of Secrecy”, Research Policy, 47(3), pp. 558-572. [ABS4*; FT List] (92) Estrada, I., Faems, D. and de Faria, P. (2016) “Coopetition and Product Innovation Performance: The Moderating Impact of Internal Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Protection Mechanisms”, Industrial Marketing Management, 53, pp. 56-65. [ABS3] (53) Bos, B., Broekhuizen, T. and de Faria, P. (2015) “A Dynamic View on Secrecy Management”, Journal of Business Research, 68(12), pp. 2619-2627. [ABS3] (58) Sofka, W., Shehu, E. and de Faria, P. (2014) “Multinational Subsidiary Knowledge Protection – Do Mandates and Clusters Matter?”, Research Policy, 43(8), pp. 1320-1333. [ABS4*; FT List] (92) Sofka, W., Preto, M. and de Faria, P. (2014) “MNC Subsidiary Closures: What is the Value of Employees’ Human Capital in New Jobs?”, Journal of International Business Studies, 45(6), pp. 723-750. [ABS4*; FT List] (94) Noseleit, F. and de Faria, P. (2013) “Complementarities of Internal R&D and Alliances with Different Partner Types”, Journal of Business Research, 66(10), pp. 2000-2006. [ABS3] (58) de Faria, P. and Schmidt, T. (2012) “International Cooperation on Innovation: Firm-level Evidence from Two European Countries”, Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 14(3), pp. 304-324. de Faria, P. and Lima, F. (2012) “Interdependence and Spillovers: Is Firm Performance Affected by Others’ Innovation Activities?”, Applied Economics, 44(36), pp. 4765-4775. [ABS2] (28) de Faria, P. and Mendonça, J. (2011) “Innovation Strategy by Firms: Do innovative firms grow more?”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 12(2), pp. 173-184. [ABS2] de Faria, P. and Sofka, W. (2010) “Formal and Strategic Knowledge Protection Strategies of Multinational Firms – A Cross Country Comparison”, Research Policy, 39(7), pp. 956–968. [ABS4*; FT List] (92) de Faria, P., Lima, F. and Santos, R. (2010) “Cooperation in Innovation Activities: The Importance of Partners”, Research Policy, 39(8), pp. 1082-1092. [ABS4* and FT List] (92) Best Paper Conference Proceedings de Faria, Pedro, Wolfgang Sofka and Edlira Shehu, Stop the Knowledge Flow: Knowledge Protection Intensity of MNC Subsidiaries, Best Paper Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Management Meeting. Sofka, Wolfgang, Edlira Shehu and Pedro de Faria, Appropriation in Times of Open Innovation: Does Secrecy Still Work?, Best Paper Proceedings of the 2012 Academy of Management Meeting. de Faria, Pedro and Wolfgang Sofka, Formal and Strategic Knowledge Protection Strategies of Multinational Firms - a Cross Country Comparison, Best Paper Proceedings of the 2009 Academy of Management Meeting. |
Broekhuizen, T., Dekker, H., de Faria, P., Firk, S., Ngyuen, K. and Sofka, W. “AI for Managing Open Innovation: Opportunities, Challenges and a Research Agenda”, Journal of Business Research (R&R) [ABS3] (58) |
de Faria, P. and Sofka, W. (2022) “Pastéis de Belém: Turning a Secret Recipe into a Strategic Asset”, Ivey Publishing Teaching Case W27109.
Catão, L., de Faria, P., Martins, A. and Portela, M. (2021) “Investimento Direto Estrangeiro, Cadeias Globais de Valor e um Novo Paradigma”; in de Alexandre, F. (coordinator): “Innovation for Development”, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, Lisbon - https://www.ffms.pt/FileDownload/7d6c465b-0c0f-4fea-92bb-62af3a85f222/do-made-in-ao-created-in-um-novo-paradigma-para-a-economia-portuguesa. de Faria, P. (coordinator), Torres Preto, M., Ribeiro, A., Sofka, W. and Distel, A. (2018) “Encerramento de multinacionais”, Project report for the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos” (in Portuguese) - https://www.ffms.pt/FileDownload/3bbc3804-4cf5-4fc2-8f06-f9b2a2340426/resumo-do-estudo-encerramento-de-multinacionais Sofka, W., Preto, M. and de Faria, P. (2015) “Foreign divestment: What stays when multinationals leave?”, Columbia FDI Perspectives nº 155. de Faria, P. (2010) “Innovation at Large: Managing Multi-Organization, Multi-Team Projects, Johanna E.M. Schönrok. Structural Change and Structural Policies, Vol. 20. Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main (2010). 169 pp., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-631-60217-1”, European Journal of Operational Research, 211 (1) pp. 218-219. Baptista, R., and de Faria, P. (2010) “ICT Diffusion, Inward Foreign Direct Investment, and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: A Research Note”; in de Noronha Vaz, T. (editor): “Innovation for Development”, Universidade do Algarve, Faro. Amaral, A.M., de Faria, P., Mendonça, J. and Preto, M.T., (2009) “Technology Commercialization in Portugal: An Outlook of Success Cases”, report delivered to the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education de Faria, P. (2006) “Santarelli, E. (editor): Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation: The Dynamics of Firms and Industries. International Studies in Entrepreneurship. XIII, 285 pp. Springer, Berlin 2006. Hardcover”, Journal of Economics, 91(3), pp. 304-309. |
SMS 2020 Conference Extension “Innovation Ecosystems” with Dries Faems and Anna Brattström (cancelled due to Covid19 travel restrictions) https://www.strategicmanagement.net/virtual/extensions/groningen Groningen Cooperation for Innovation Conference 2016 - http://www.rug.nl/research/io/research/gcic2016/ Organization of the Interest Group Panel with Wolfgang Sofka and Shad Morris “Strategic Human Capital in a Global Market”; Panelists: Rafael Corredoira, University of Maryland; John Dencker, Northeastern University; Gina Dokko, University of California-Davis, and Shad Morris, Brigham Young University – Strategic Management Society Conference 2015, Denver, October. |
SEI Combined Doctoral Consortium & Faculty Workshop, Rotterdam, 2022.
Panelist in the International Management Division Doctoral Student Consortium + Junior Faculty Consortium of the 2021 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Contributor to the European Humanities R&D Exhibition, European Humanities Conference, Lisbon, 2021. Academy of Management, Annual Meetings, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012-2022. Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, 2015, 2017-2022. Strategic Management Society Special Conferences, 2014, 2017 (2), 2018, 2019. Academy of International Business, Annual Meetings, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2018. DRUID Summer Conference, 2009-2016, 2018, 2019, 2021-2022. Organization Science Winter Conference, 2011. |
Best-Paper-Award (1st prize) “Innovation Management” 2019: Attributed by EBS Business School Corporate Strategy Interest Group best paper award (finalist): Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting 2019 Strategic Human Capital Interest Group best paper award (finalist): Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting 2017 International Management Division Best Paper in OM/HRM/OT (finalist): Academy of Management 2014 Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar (finalist): Academy of International Business 2013 Christer Karlsson Best Paper Award (finalist): International Product Development Management Conference 2013 Best Student Paper (winner): IEEE International Engineering Management Conference – Europe 2008 Best PhD Paper Award (second prize): 9th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation - 2006 |
Tristan Thomé: University of Groningen (co-supervision with Jana Oehmichen and Pere Arque-Castells) (since September 2020) Karen Tu: University of Groningen (co-supervision with Jordi Surroca and Pasi Kuusela) (since September 2020) Romina Guri: University of Groningen (co-supervision with Bart Los and Florian Noseleit) (since 2017). Aneta Oleksiak: University of Groningen (co-supervision with Dries Faems) (2015-2019) – currently Business Controller at Royal Avebe, The Netherlands. Holmer Kok: University of Groningen (co-supervision with Dries Faems) (2014-2018) – currently Assistant Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden; winner of the SOM Award for the best PhD research and finalist of the 2019 AoM TIM Dissertation Award. Tiago Fonseca: University of Lisbon (co-supervision with Francisco Lima and Sónia Pereira) (2012-2017) – currently Senior Commercial Analyst at Ørsted, Denmark. |
Coordination activities
Development of Master Level courses
Development of Bachelor Level courses
Lecturer of Master Level courses
Supervision activities
Bachelor theses: Business Administration Bachelor (honors students) |
2005-2008 Ph.D in Engineering and Industrial Management, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon. 2002-2004 M.Sc in Engineering Policy and Management of Technology, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon. 1996-2001 BS (Licenciatura) in Environmental Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon. |
Since 2020 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), Portugal. Member of the scientific research and technological development (SR&TD) project grants in all scientific domains evaluation panel (Economics and Business) Since 2020 Cyprus Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education, Cyprus. External Evaluation Committee Member for the evaluation accreditation process of Academic Departments and their teaching programs 2015 Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) from the European Commission Project Evaluator for the COSME Cluster Excellence and Cluster Go International Programs 2007 and 2008 Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Germany. Visiting Scholar 2001-2002 Observatório para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (National Statistical Office for Science and Technology), Ministry for Science and Technology. Worked in the Third Community Innovation Survey, Eurostat, and in the National Survey on Research & Development |
Chair of the Department of Innovation Management and Strategy, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (since January 2021) Coordinator of the Strategy and Innovation Management sub-group of the Department of Innovation and Strategy of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen. Member of hiring committees for the selection of new Tenure Track Assistant Professors for the Department of Innovation and Strategy of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen. Discussant at PhD Conferences organized by the Research School of the Faculty of Economics and Business. Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen since 2017. Assistant to the Chair of the Department of Innovation and Strategy of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen: Planning of the teaching activities of the department (Teaching Matrix). |
Associate Editor of the journal Industry and Innovation (since August 2018) Editor: Ad hoc Reviewer: |
2021 - Project “From 'made in' to 'created in': a New Paradigm for the Portuguese Economy” funded by the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (5.000 Euro for RUG). 2019 - Trans-Atlantic Platform – “Social Innovation” under NWO (250.000 Euro for RUG) – in collaboration with Queen’s University, Canada and University of Wuppertal, Germany. Team Member and co-writer of the proposal (team leader: Florian Noseleit) 2018-2019 - Project “Evaluation EFRO Program”, funded by the Province of Gelderland (140.000 Euro). Team Member (team leader: Dries Faems) 2018 - Project “Citation Analysis of the Journal of Management Studies”, funded by the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (2.000 Euro). Co-coordinator and Team Member (other co-coordinator: Dries Faems) 2016 - Grant from the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies to organize the Groningen Collaboration for Innovation Conference (8.000 €). 2016-2018 - Project “Closure of foreign MNC subsidiaries: What stays when the MNC leaves?”, funded by the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (100.000 Euro). Coordinator and writer of the proposal 2015-2018 - Project “Employment, Skills and Technology Intensity” (PTDC/IIM-ECO/4929/2014), funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology). Team Member 2013-2015 - Project “Job Polarization within and across Firms: Skills, Organizational Change and Innovation” (PTDC/IIM-ECO/5123/2012), funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology). Team Member 2010-2013 - Project “Innovation and the Global Economy: An investigation of critical challenges for Intellectual Property, Strategy and Policy in IT and beyond” (CMU-PT/OUT/0042/2009), funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology). Team Member 2008-2010- Collaborative project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (Theme 9: Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities): “CoInvest - Competitiveness, Innovation and Intangible Investment in Europe”. Team Member |
2008 - Pos-Doctoral fellowship under the project funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology): “Innovation and Productivity in Portuguese firms: modelling, applied evidence, and policy design” (PTDC/ESC/67665/2006). 2005-2008 - Doctoral fellowship from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology). 2001-2003 - Management of Science and Technology fellowship from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology). |
Academy of Management Strategic Management Society |
Last modified: | 23 January 2023 1.24 p.m. |