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A Decade of transformation discourse: Sociotechnical imaginaries of the Dutch web between 1994–2004

Book review: Cultural Recycling in the Postdigital Age

Digital activism in the future past: How Dutch Extinction Rebellion activists connect past, present and future in their memory work on Instagram

Revolutionary discourses from the past: a digital hermeneutical analysis of widely read academic publications on the social impact and significance of the internet

Stochastic Remembering and Distributed Mnemonic Agency: Recalling Twentieth Century Activists with ChatGPT

The multiplicities of platformed remembering

When Memories Become Data

Between Liberation and Control: Mixing Methods to Investigate How Users Experience Menstrual Cycle Tracking Applications

Revolutionary Discourses in a Time Capsule: A Historiographical Analysis of Canonical, Intellectual Literature Concerning the Social Impact and Significance of the Internet

Die Plattformisierung des Erinnerns

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Is de onafhankelijkheid van Wikipedia in gevaar?

YouTube komt met strengere regels rond intimidatie

Hét internet bestaat niet

Facebook onder vuur

Digitale Herinneringen

Invloed traditionele nieuwsmedia online nog altijd heel groot

Facebook decides what we forget

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