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GAM-based individual difference measures for L2 ERP studies

Second language processing: electrophysiological studies and data analysis methods

Age effects in L2 grammar processing as revealed by ERPs and how (not) to study them

Designing research on bilingual development: behavioral and neurolinguistic experiments

Prolonged L2 immersion engenders little change in morphosyntactic processing of bilingual natives

Age effects in L2 grammar processing as revealed by ERPs and how (not) to study them.

An ERP study on L2 syntax processing: When do learners fail?

Grammatical Gender Processing in Second Language Learners: Studying Age Effects as Revealed by ERPs.

ERPs Reveal Effects of Working Memory Capacity on L2 Grammatical Gender Processing.

Grammatical gender processing in second language learners and first language attriters of Dutch and German

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There Is No Critical Period For Learning A Second Language

At what age is it easiest to learn a second language?

The best age to learn a second language

Geen kritische periode voor leren tweede taal

Nieuw onderzoek: geen harde leeftijdsgrens voor het leren van grammatica

No critical period for learning grammar

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