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The C4EB study—Transvamix (10% THC / 5% CBD) to treat chronic pain in epidermolysis bullosa: A protocol for an explorative randomized, placebo controlled, and double blind intervention crossover study

1+1=3, ervaringen van UMCG onderzoekers met de training patiëntenparticipatie

Cannabinoid use and effects in patients with epidermolysis bullosa: an international cross-sectional survey study

Identifying Epidermolysis Bullosa Patient Needs and Perceived Treatment Benefits: An Explorative Study Using the Patient Benefit Index

Letter to the Editor: Ordering the Chaos in Cannabinoid-Related Research: Is It Time for a Task Force on Taxonomy?

Combined THC and CBD to treat pain in epidermolysis bullosa: a report of three cases

The Pain Quality Assessment Scale for epidermolysis bullosa

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UMCG starts scientific research into cannabis oil for chronic pain in Epidermolysis Bullosa

Exploring Cannabinoid medicines to treat Pain & Itch in Adults with Epidermolysis Bullosa