dr. N.C. (Nienke) Jonker

Dr. Nienke Jonker completed a bachelor in Nutrition and Dietetics at the Hanze University for Applied sciences and a bachelor in Psychology at the University of Groningen. She graduated with distinction ("cum laude") from the Research Master of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Groningen during which she specialized in eating disorders and obesity. She successfully obtained a NWO research talent grant for the proposed PhD project “Temptation and restraint: The role of reward and punishment sensitivity in disordered eating”. She started her PhD research in September 2014 under supervision of Prof. Dr. Peter de Jong, Dr. Brian Ostafin and Dr. Klaske Glashouwer.
In 2018 Nienke obtained an NWO replication fund together with Prof. Dr. Peter de Jong, Prof. Dr. Ernst Koster and Prof. Dr. Caroline Braet for the project “May food have your attention please: Do specifically obese individuals show an attention bias for food even when they are satiated?”. She started her Post-Doc on this research in 2019.
Since 2022 Nienke works as an Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the department of Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology of the University of Groningen. Her research aims to 1) improve understanding of mechanisms that are critically involved in the development and maintenance of unhealthy behaviors, mostly dysfunctional eating behavior; and 2) use these insights to improve existing - and develop more effective - interventions to normalize these behaviors.
Last modified: | 29 October 2024 3.48 p.m. |