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A model-independent measurement of the CKM angle γ in partially reconstructed B± → D∗h ± decays with D → K0 Sh +h − (h = π, K)

Amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement of B+→D∗−Ds+π+ decays

Amplitude Analysis of the B0 →k∗0μ+μ- Decay

Amplitude analysis of the Λb0→pK−γ decay

A search for rare B → Dµ+µ − decays

Comprehensive analysis of local and nonlocal amplitudes in the B0 → K*0μ+μ− decay

Curvature-bias corrections using a pseudomass method

Determination of short- and long-distance contributions in B0 →k∗0μ+μ- decays

Enhanced Production of Λb0 Baryons in High-Multiplicity pp Collisions at s =13 TeV

Erratum to: Search for CP violation in the phase space of D0 → π −π+π0 decays with the energy test