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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. Verhoeff


Identifying future high healthcare utilization in patients with multimorbidity – development and internal validation of machine learning prediction models using electronic health record data

A hospital care coordination team intervention for patients with multimorbidity: A practice-based, participatory pilot study

Clusters of medical specialties around patients with multimorbidity – employing fuzzy c-means clustering to explore multidisciplinary collaboration

Goals of older hospitalized patients with multimorbidity

Towards coordination and tailoring of hospital care for patients with multimorbidity

Development and internal validation of prediction models for future hospital care utilization by patients with multimorbidity using electronic health record data

Regie bij multimorbiditeit in het ziekenhuis

Richtlijnen voor passende zorg bij multimorbiditeit

Hoe “ouderenproof” zijn de huidige tweedelijns richtlijnen in Nederland?

Multiple chronic conditions: the need for integrated secondary care

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