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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. (Marek) Neuman, Dr


Framing the Eastern Partnership in the European Union's and Russia's Institutional Discourse

Historical Institutionalism and the European Union's post-Cold War Foreign Policy Development

Review of "Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Union" by Ramona Coman, Amandine Crespy, and Vivien A. Schmidt (eds)

European Studies and Europe: Twenty Years of Euroculture

Introduction: Twenty Years of European Studies and of Euroculture

Teaching European Studies in Times of Complexity: The Case of Euroculture


Reading the EU's Migration and Security 'Crises' through (South-)Eastern Europe

Where is Europe?: Respacing, Replacing, and Reordering Europe

Conclusion: The Relevance of Normative Power in a Changing Europe

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