M. (Michele) Molè, LLM

An overview of my research and activities is available here.
I'm 28 years old and since 1 January 2021 I have been working as a PhD researcher and Lecturer at the RUG Faculty of Law. In October 2019 I obtained my LL.M. with honours at the University of Milan (supervised by Prof. M. T. Carinci and Prof. V. De Stefano), with a thesis entitled: "The challenge of the new panopticon at work: problems and perspectives of surveillance through artificial intelligence. A comparison between Belgium and Italy in the European legal framework".
My Master's thesis activity made me passionate about labour law and new technologies at work, leading me to a study period at the KU Leuven (Belgium) and the International Labour Organisation (Geneva).
In the period following graduation, I collaborated with the Labour law Section of the University of Milan, with which I currently publish regularly in Italian labour law journals and participate in examination committees. I also worked until December 2020 as a trainee lawyer in a law firm specialising in labour law.
At the Labour Law department and STeP research group within RUG Faculty of Law I am working on my dissertation, whose working title is: "Employees' surveillance in 'datafied' workplaces: towards a reconciliation of employees' fundamental rights and employers' business interests".
From September to November 2022 I joined the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) as Trainee/Visiting PhD candidate, there I conducted research on collective bargaining and workplace surveillance.
From November 2022 I co-coordinate a research project funded by the University of Groningen (YAG-SER-2022 and 2023 Incentive fund) on Labour and Digitalisation: 'Panoptiwork - The Human and the Digital at Work'. (www.panoptiwork.eu).
In February 2023 I joined the Center for International and European Labour Law Studies (CIELLS) at the University of Warsaw. I researched the latest case law from the European Court of Human Rights on workplace surveillance.
Last modified: | 15 April 2024 3.38 p.m. |