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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.L. (Marline Lisette) Wilders

dr. M.L. (Marline Lisette) Wilders

Universitair Docent Kunst en Maatschappij / Empirische Onderzoeksmethoden Geesteswetenschappen
Profielfoto van dr. M.L. (Marline Lisette) Wilders


Perceptions of Interdisciplinary Education at University College Groningen

The Future of Blockbuster Exhibitions After the Covid-19 Crisis: The Case of the Dutch Museum Sector

Moving the audience: Dutch landscape experienced through the SummerJazzCycleTour

Summer Jazz Bicycle Tour: Landscape as Heritage, Heritage as Jazz

De fabriek herontdekt: het perspectief van gebruikers in het transformatieproces

[RE]FRAME: Sala delle Colonne, Castello del Valentino, Polytechnic University of Turin

'Dodobre me je očaralo': Izkušnje občinstva različnih tipov in žanrov gledališča v štirih evropskih mestih

From Working Space to Theatre Space: the user perspective

Gledalci, kdo so?: Demografska analiza gledališkega občinstva v štirih evropskih mestih

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The Future of Blockbuster Exhibitions after the Covid-19 crisis

Teaching is a core activity