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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M.H. (Marjolijn) Verspoor


A Dynamic Usage Based Perspective of Bilingual Children's VAC Development in English

A Complex Dynamic Systems Theory perspective on speaking in second language development

L2 writing processes and language learning in individual and collaborative conditions

Learning an L2 and L3 at the same time: Help or hinder?

Mandarin vocabulary growth, teacher qualifications and teacher talk in child heritage language learners

Measures of variability in transitional phases in second language development

Complex Dynamic Systems Theory and Second Language Development

Complex Dynamic Systems Theory (CDST)

Dynamic Usage-Based Principles in the Development of L2 Finnish Evaluative Constructions

L2 developmental measures from a dynamic perspective

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Nederlanders beheersen de Engelse taal het best


Nederlanders beheersen Engels beter dan anderen die dat niet als moedertaal hebben