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Changes in histone lysine acetylation, but not DNA methylation during facultative hibernation in Syrian hamster liver

Clinical promise and applications of epigenetic biomarkers

Development of Locus-Directed Editing of the Epigenome from Basic Mechanistic Engineering to First Clinical Applications

Epigenetics and Down syndrome

Generation of Cell Lines Stably Expressing a dCas9-Fusion or sgRNA to Address Dynamics of Long-Term Effects of Epigenetic Editing

Plasmid Delivery and Single-Cell Plasmid Expression Analysis for CRISPR/dCas9-Based Epigenetic Editing


Defusing the legal and ethical minefield of epigenetic applications in the military, defense, and security context

Efficient methods for multiple types of precise gene-editing in Chlamydomonas

Functional Validation of the Putative Oncogenic Activity of PLAU


NEMO Kennislink

Interview Uitzicht (Rineke Wisman): "Genen kun je trainen"

Voor het eerst extra gen gericht in lichaam gebouwd

First test of in-body gene editing shows promise

Crispr-Cas: nu al een onmisbare genetische gereedschapskist

The epigenome editors: How tools such as CRISPR offer new details about epigenetics

KONINKLIJKE MAATSCHAPPIJ VOOR NATUURKUNDE-Diligentia Programma van wetenschappelijke lezingen

Bionieuws - Aan/uit

Het in- en uitschakelen van genen: "de maakbare mens"