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A tutorial on regression-based norming of psychological tests with GAMLSS

Bias-Variance Trade-Off in Continuous Test Norming

Inter-Individual Differences in Multivariate Time-Series: Latent Class Vector-Autoregressive Modeling

The combined self- and parent-rated SDQ score profile predicts care use and psychiatric diagnoses

Dimensionality assessment of ordered polytomous items with parallel analysis

Early predictors of outcome after mild traumatic brain injury (UPFRONT): An observational cohort study

A comprehensive model framework for between-individual differences in longitudinal data

A Simulation Study of the Effects of Additive, Multiplicative, Correlated, and Uncorrelated Errors on Principal Component Analysis

Clusters of resilience and vulnerability: executive functioning, coping and mental distress in patients with diffuse low-grade glioma

Cognitive functioning after mild traumatic brain injury: Systematic review of neuropsychological test performances across recovery phases and cognitive domains


Opinie: De volkstaal als voertaal op de universiteit? Don’t do it!

Clinical, societal and personal recovery in schizophrenia spectrum disorders across time: states and annual transitions

paper in de the Lancet Neurology: results of the UPFRONT study