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prof. dr. M.C. (Margriet) van der Waal

Associate Professor and Director of Studies Erasmus Mundus Master Euroculture: European society, culture, and politics in a global context. Also Endowed Chair of South African literature, culture and history (University of Amsterdam)
Profile picture of prof. dr. M.C. (Margriet) van der Waal


The Right to Speak: The Cultural Archive and the Public Sphere in South Africa

A Letter to Jan van Riebeeck: Rethinking Transnational Connections in Contemporary Vernacular Afrikaans Poetry

Dirty politics: The stories of soap in South Africa

Enticed by the colonies?

Enticed to settle elsewhere: Magic lantern slides and the transnational creation of European colonial citizens

Heritage and the making of ‘ Europe’

Introduction: Heritage and the making of ‘Europe’

Magic Visions: Portraying and inventing South Africa with lantern slides

Enticed by Empire? magic Lantern Slides and transnational Dutch-South African Relations within a European perspective

In their shoes? Categorizing identities and creating citizens in reality TV

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‘Afrikaans is een meervoud’. In gesprek met Margriet van der Waal en Yves T’Sjoen

Bijzonder hoogleraar Zuid-Afrikaanse literatuur, cultuur en geschiedenis

Dank Antjie Krog, voor het Afrikaans

Dank Antjie Krog, voor het Afrikaans

Interview for radio programme "Glasnost"

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