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Developmental Needs of Adolescents in the Online Lifeworld in the Context of Youth Work

‘Figuring it out’. Continuity or discontinuity of work in young rural-urban migrants’ education to work transition in Kathmandu, Nepal

‘I need to switch the job’. Young rural-urban migrants’ perceptions about their job during their education to work transition

“We Say ‘Mothers’ But Mean ‘Parents’”: Qualitative Perceptions and Experiences With Father Absence Among Curaçaoan, Curaçaoan-Dutch, and Dutch Young People

‘We zeggen “moeders” maar we bedoelen “ouders”’: Percepties en ervaringen met vaderafwezigheid onder Curaçaose, Curaçaos-Nederlandse en Nederlandse jongeren

Do Active Learning Classrooms make for Active Teaching?

Experiences and Needs of Sexual and Gender Minority Young Adults with a History of Suicidal Ideation Regarding Formal and Informal Mental Healthcare

The association between obesity-related legislation in the United States and adolescents’ weight

Nieuwe kansen voor MBO-jongeren: Case-studies van vervangende onderwijsprogramma's

Opportunities and barriers for young rural–urban migrants transitioning from education to work in Kathmandu, Nepal


Ondanks campagnes blijven jongeren roken en drinken

‘Vrouwen, meld je!’ Nog altijd een tekort aan vrouwelijke machinisten en buschauffeurs

Beloningen voor opruimen vuurwerkafval ‘totaal verkeerd signaal’