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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.A. (Marieke) Helmich, MSc


What’s in a mood?: looking for dynamic predictors of individual improvement in depression

Sudden Gains in Day-to-Day Change: Revealing Nonlinear Patterns of Individual Improvement in Depression

Early warning signals and critical transitions in psychopathology: challenges and recommendations

The Duration-Adjusted Reliable Change Index: Defining Clinically Relevant Symptom Changes of Varying Durations

Complex Systems Approaches to Psychopathology

Detecting Impending Symptom Transitions Using Early-Warning Signals in Individuals Receiving Treatment for Depression

Critical slowing down in momentary affect as early warning signal of impending transitions in depression

Daily dynamics of negative affect: indicators of rate of response to treatment and remission from depression?

Detecting impending symptom transitions using early warning signals in individuals receiving treatment for depression

Duration-adjusted Reliable Change Index (DaRCI): Defining clinically relevant symptom changes of varying durations

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