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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. L.P.W.G.M. (Louis) Jacobus Mgn Van De Zande


Divergent evolution of male-determining loci on proto-Y chromosomes of the housefly

Effects of polyploidization and their evolutionary implications are revealed by heritable polyploidy in the haplodiploid wasp Nasonia vitripennis

Seasonal adaptation: Geographic photoperiod-temperature patterns explain genetic variation in the common vole Tsh receptor

Absence of complementary sex determination in two Leptopilina species (Figitidae, Hymenoptera) and a reconsideration of its incompatibility with endosymbiont-induced thelytoky

Contribution of opsins and chromophores to cone pigment variation across populations of Lake Victoria cichlids

Doublesex regulates male-specific differentiation during distinct developmental time windows in a parasitoid wasp

Strong variation in frequencies of male and female determiners between neighboring housefly populations

The importance of being plastic: Evolutionary and ecological correlates of phenotypic plasticity

Visual system plasticity is differently mediated by cone opsin expression and chromophore composition in closely related cichlid species

A re‐assessment of within‐host mating behavior in the Nasonia species complex

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Onderzoekers RUG ontdekken waarom wespenvaders alleen maar dochters krijgen

What egg-producing housefly males can tell us about the evolution of sex determination