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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. L.A.W.J. (Lars) de Wildt


Lars de Wildt studies how media cultures and industries make contemporary worldviews. Examples are how media industries construct 'global' culture and how local audiences consume it; how Western game developers sold religion to secular audiences; how online platforms birth conspiracy theories; and how Western videogames adapt to Chinese players and policies.

His first book, The Pop Theology of Videogames: Producing and Playing with Religion was published Open Access with Amsterdam University Press. Lars was part of the AHRC-funded project "Everything Is Connected: Conspiracy Theories in the Age of the Internet," was previously a (visiting) researcher at the universities of Leuven, Bremen, Jyväskylä, Tampere, Montréal, and Deakin, and is working on a project about how the hegemonic worldviews of Western videogames adapt to Chinese players and policies.

For more, see or Google scholar.


The Pop Theology of Videogames: Producing and Playing with Religion

Marketable religion: How game company Ubisoft commodified religion for a global audience

Participatory Conspiracy Culture: Believing, doubting and playing with conspiracy theories on Reddit

Politics of Production: Videogames 10 years after Games of Empire

Breaking Barriers: The Emergence of a Videogame Culture and Industry in the Arab World

Conclusion: Pop Theology

Franchised Esotericism: Religion as a Marketing Strategy for the Assassin’s Creed Franchise

Indie-pendent: the Arthouse Gods of Indie games

Making Religion at Ubisoft

Public Religion on Videogame Forums

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Religie is standaardformule in videogames [Friesch Dagblad]

Gaming: only the benefits of religion but not the drawbacks [RUG Magazine]

Old books, dark wood, stained glass: The UG’s all about dark academia [UKrant]

“There is something about conspiracy theories that is just fun”

New Books Network (Game Studies, ep. 7): Lars de Wildt, The Pop Theology of Videogames

Mediated Intimacies Episode 4 – On our intimate relationship with God in video games with Lars de Wildt

¿Curas samurái? La curiosa obsesión del videojuego japonés con los cristianos


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