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L.M. (Lisa) Herzog, Prof

Professor of Political Philosophy, Dean
Profile picture of L.M. (Lisa) Herzog, Prof
+31 6 2969 8007 (mobile)
+31 50 36 32548 (Marion Vorrink)

Research interests

Please note that this is not a complete record of my activities. The PURE system is very weird and finds some activities and not others. I try to regularly update the CV on my university website. 


Are financial markets epistemically efficient?

Big data and the risk of misguided responsibilization

Bodies at work: The Normative Dimensions of the Geography of Work

Cook Ding meets homo oeconomicus. Contrasting Daoist and economistic imaginaries of work

Corporate knowledge and corporate power. Reining in the power of corporations as epistemic agents

Descubriendo los sujetos del mercado. Introducción a ‘¿Quiénes somos cuando trabajamos? Identidad social en el Mercado en Smith y Hegel’

Does Diversity Trump Ability?

How institutions decay: towards an endogenous theory

The democratic public and the practices of the oppressed

The Epistemic Preconditions of Markets and their Historicity

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Unternehmen: Mehr Demokratie für die Hierarchie

Economie voor het algemeen belang Internationale conferentie

30 miljoen euro voor onderzoek naar sociale cohesie

Waarom onze economie democratisch ingericht moet worden

"Arbeitswelt 2030": Rückblick auf die zweite Business Tagung der FH Wiener Neustadt

Wie Demokratien untergehen – und was man dagegen tun kann

„Anthropozän oder Kapitalozän?“: Vortrag bei Philosophischer Gesellschaft

Großer Konvent bei der Schader-Stiftung in Darmstadt

Momentum - Kongress 2023 in Hallstatt

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