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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. K. (Kirstin) Greaves-Lord


Adapting the Tackling Teenage Training Sex Education Program for Autistic Adults in the US: A Pilot Study

Associations between autism traits and family functioning over time in autistic and non-autistic children

Clinical stance on response initiation in autistic adults: co-creating an integrative approach based on theory and lived experiences to act from language, via motor movement to wellbeing

Complementing or Congruent? Desired Characteristics in a Friend and Romantic Partner in Autistic versus Typically Developing Male Adolescents

How Well Can we Diagnose Autism in Adults? Evaluating an Informant-based Interview: The Dutch Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview – Adult Version (3Di-Adult)

Identiteitsontwikkeling bij autisme

Measuring the Autistic Women's Experience (AWE)

Perspectives on Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment and Gender Roles: A Qualitative Study of Similarities and Differences between Sexes

Psychometric Properties of Psychosexual Functioning Survey Among Autistic and Non-autistic Adults: Adapting the Self-Report Teen Transition Inventory to the U.S. Context

Psychometric Properties of the Dutch Contextual Assessment of Social Skills (CASS): An Independent Observational Outcome Measure of Social Skills in Autistic Adolescents

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Vastlopen: hoe komt dat en wat kun je doen?

Theater en kunst als motor voor ontwikkeling

Jezelf (niet) kunnen zijn

Kort zorgnieuws: VR sponsorloop; E-Mental Health; Nieuwe keuzehulpen, en meer


Wij coachen de coaches

Gedrag onder een vergrootglas

Programma voor de Educatie en vErrijking van Relationele Skills (PEERS). Handleiding.

Wat te doen met door de lockdown verwaterde vriendschappen?

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