prof. dr. E.J.M.M. (Jos) Arts
professor Environmental and Infrastructure Planning

+31 50 36 33895 (+31-50-3633895)
+31 6 1484 8585 (+31-6-14848585)
Ongoing PhD research projects (for finished PhD projects see folder ‘research’-‘supervised theses’)
- Geet, M.T. van (PhD at RUG), Policy Design and infrastructure Planning – Finding tools to promote land use transport integration, supervisors prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen), co-supervisors W. Leendertse (University of Groningen), dr. T. Busscher (University of Groningen) & dr. S. Lenferink (Radboud University Nijmegen). PhD Defence 3 December 2020.
- Lee, J. (per 1/10/2018 Ubbo Emmius grant RuG, ex-ADB), Enhancing social outcomes from mega urban transport development: an integrated approach to transport and spatial planning, supervisors prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen) & prof.dr. F. Vanclay (University of Groningen). PhD Defence 27 October 2020.
- Mottee, L.K. (Cotutelle PhD at RUG & Macquarie University, Aus) “The Assessment and Management of Social Impacts in Urban Transport Infrastructure Projects – Exploring relationships between urban governance, project management and impact assessment practices in different geographical contexts” supervisors prof.dr. R. Howitt & dr. F. Miller (Macquarie University, Aus), prof dr. F. Vanclay (University of Groningen) & prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen). Submnitted to Assessment Committee Summer 2020, PhD Defence planned 8 December 2020.
- Hilbers, A.M. (PhD at RUG, RWS-RuG Cooperation), “Valuation in combined infrastructure and area development: Pushing the envelope”, supervisor prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen), co-supervisors dr. F. Sijtsma (University of Groningen) & dr. T. Busscher (University of Groningen).
- Laeni, N. (PhD at RUG), “Institutional design for the transition to flood resilience in developing countries”, supervisor prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen), co-supervisor dr.M. v.d. Brink (University of Groningen).
- Neef, M.R. (PhD at RuG, NWO/NGI) “Responsive Infrastructures through Responsive Institutions – Interdependencies in infrastructure decision-making”, supervisor prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen), co-supervisor dr. Busscher (University of Groningen) & dr. S. Verweij (University of Groningen).
- Radulescu, M.A. (PhD at RuG, Marie Curie grant; RWS-RuG) “Climate Change Adaptation through Socio-Spatial Planning of Waterways” supervisors W. Leendertse (University of Groningen) & prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen).
- Rongen, T. (PhD at RuG, NWO), “Transport, land-use, and logistics integration at multimodal hubs in rural and peri-urban areas”, NWO SMiLES project, superviors T. Tillema (University of Groningen) & prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen)
- Satheesh, S. (PhD at RuG, RWS-RuG Cooperation), “The Role of Boundary Spanners in Infrastructure Planning Projects”, supervisor prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen), co-supervisor dr. Busscher (University of Groningen) & dr. S. Verweij (University of Groningen).
- Spijkerboer, R.C. (PhD at RUG, RWS-RuG Cooperation), “The institutional integration and planning of physical networks and renewable energy – when, where, and how (not)?”, supervisor prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen), co-supervisors dr. C. Zuidema (University of Groningen) & dr. T. Busscher (University of Groningen).
- Groot, B. de (part-time PhD from Rijkswaterstaat, RWS-RuG Cooperation), “Learning to become resilient: Resilience as emerging attitude of learning project-oriented organizations in infrastructure planning“, supervisors W. Leendertse (University of Groningen) & prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen).
- Smyth, E.B. (part-time PhD at RUG; Director / Consultant Intersocial Consulting, Ireland), “Enhancing Livelihoods in Large Projects”, supervisors prof.dr. F. Vanclay (University of Groningen) & prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen).
- Veenma, K. (part-time PhD at RuG, Province Overijssel), “Ruimte voor Onzekerheid – Interactie tussen actoren, in de dynamiek van infrastructuurplanning”, supervisors W. Leendertse (University of Groningen) & prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen).
- Hardcastle, P. (PhD North-West University, Potchefstroom, SA) “The theory and practice in environmental assessment in South Africa”, supervisors prof.dr. F. Retief (North-West University, SA) & prof.dr. J. Arts (University of Groningen)
Other research projects:
- “Urban Logistics as an on-Demand Service” (ULAADS), EU Horizon 2020 funded programme, RuG with European cities and companies (supervision PostDoc/PhD), 2020-
- “Shared connectivity in Mobility and Logistics Enable Sustainability” (SMiLES), NWO Sustainable Living Labs project, RuG in cooperation with regional authorities and companies (supervisor PhD and a junior researcher) 2019-
- “Responsive Infrastructure Through Responsive Institutions” (RITRI), NWO-/NGI (Next Generation Infrastructures) research project, RuG and TU Twente, supervisor PhD. 2018-
- “Resourceful Communities| (RECOMS), EU-funded NTI Marie Curie research project, 6 universities incl. RuG (supervisor PhD), 2018-
- “Collaborative Planning of Infrastructure and Spatial Development”, Transnational research programme of CEDR (initiator call, member Program Executive Board, PEB), 2018-
- “Vital Nodes”. EU Horizon 2020 funded programme on the integration of urban nodes and multimodal transport corridors with a focus on freight and logistics (role: initiator, scientific leader / innovation manager), 2017-2019
- “Freight & Logistics in a multimodal context”, Transnational research programme of CEDR (initiator call and member Program Executive Board, PEB) see, 2015-2018
- “Networking for Urban Vitality” (NUVit). This is an European research roadmap on the integration of multimodal transport infrastructure with spatial development that is proposed by Rijkswaterstaat, Trafikverket (Sweden), Ministry of Spatial development (Flanders), Ministry of Transport NordRhein-Westphalia (Germany) and that is discussed with the EU Commission as part of Horizon 2020 (role: initiator, project leader 2014-2016, scientific leader 2014-), see:, 2014-
- Exchange programme on Strategic Environmental Assessment Ministry of Environmental Protection of China and the Ministry of Infrastructure & the Environment of the Netherlands, Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (advisor, co-author), 2012-2015
- Transport Infrastructure Integrated with Land Use Planning” (TIILUP) a Roadmap Research Programme FORx4, prepared FEHRL, Brussels (initiator, project leader), 2011-2013
- ERANET ROAD II Programme on “Sustainability and Energy Efficient Management of Roads” (Advisor), 2011-2014
- “Sustainable Networks” (Duurzame Netwerken) strategic cooperation Rijkswaterstaat - RuG on education and research focusing on the sustainable planning of infrastructure networks and the implementation of road, water and energy infrastructure projects. Programme consist of a part-time special professor and 4 PhD researchers at any time (to date 9 fully funded and 6 co-funded PhD researchers). Role programme leader (until 2016) and supervision of 16 PhDs (8 finished),, 2007-
- PENTA Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Union, project for developing a Handbook for Environmental Assessment Master Programmes (co-author handbook), 2006-2008
- COST 350 action on "Integrated Assessment of Environmental Impact of Traffic and Transport Infrastructure" (advisor), 2001-2006
- Partner for Roads, cooperation programme of National Road Authorities on knowledge exchange and capacity building for the EU accession countries (specialist, lecturer). 2000-2006.
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 4.16 p.m. |