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ASO Author Reflections: Loss of Intestinal Integrity During Oncological Surgery and Postoperative Complications: A Complex Relationship

ASO Visual Abstract: The Association between Intraoperative Compromised Intestinal Integrity and Postoperative Complications in Cancer Patients

External validation of a lung cancer-based prediction model for two-year mortality in esophageal cancer patient cohorts

Less pneumonia after nCRT and resection in oesophageal cancer using proton RT

The Association Between Intraoperative Compromised Intestinal Integrity and Postoperative Complications in Cancer Patients

The link between the early surgery-induced inflammatory response and postoperative cognitive dysfunction in older patients

Association of a Mediterranean Diet With Outcomes for Patients Treated With Immune Checkpoint Blockade for Advanced Melanoma

Definition, diagnosis and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer: A Delphi consensus study in Europe

Impaired social functioning in adolescent and young adult sarcoma survivors: Prevalence and risk factors

Lessons learned from site-specific sampling and biological half-life of IGFII and IIE(68-88) peptide: a case study

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UMCG start onderzoek naar smaak- en reukverlies bij kankerpatiënten

Er komt meer onderzoek naar smaakverlies bij kankerpatiënten: "Alles proefde naar ijzer"

UMCG start onderzoek naar verlies van smaak bij kankerpatiënten

UMCG begint onderzoek naar smaakverlies bij kankerpatiënten

Nooit meer ruiken

Reuk- en smaakveranderingen bederven kwaliteit van leven kankerpatiënten

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