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Een taxonomie voor smart contracts

Proefschrift: Drie stellingen - Smart Contracts in Europees Privaatrecht

Regulating Unfair Commercial Practices in a Smart Contract Context

Using Tokenisation in Support of a ‘Superficies Sustainable': A Dutch Case Study on LegalTech to Support Sustainability Goals

Zelfexecuterende contracten, blockchain en smart contracts

Case note: ECLI:NL:GHAMS:2022:2712

Legal Agreements on Smart Contract Platforms in European Systems of Private Law

Overeenkomsten op smartcontractplatformen in Europese stelsels van privaatrecht: Legal Agreements on Smart Contract Platforms in European Systems of Private Law

Een doorgestoken token: non-fungible tokens en inbreuken op het auteursrecht

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Mr. Tim van Zuijlen, dr. Gerard Ritsema van Eck, dr. Jasper Verstappen en dr. Nina Mileva genomineerd voor Best Practice in Teaching & Learning Award