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Choosing Your Sports Partners: Assessing Selection Preferences Through Observational and Experimental Studies

Similarity and differences in age, gender, ethnicity, and education as explanatory factors of tie loss in the core discussion network

Size and ethnic homogeneity of extended social networks in the Netherlands: Differences between migrant groups and migrant generations

Twitter and divides in the Dutch parliament: social and political segregation in the following, @-mentions and retweets networks

Ethnic segregation and spatial patterns of attitudes: studying the link using register data and social simulation

Kudos make you run! How runners influence each other on the online social network Strava

Sociale scheidslijnen tussen groepen: Wat valt er te verklaren?

The Well-Being of Undocumented Migrants in The Netherlands: Learning about Post-Migration Experiences

Household dysfunction and child development: Do financial resources matter?

Running Together: How Sports Partners Keep You Running

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