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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J. (Javad) Taheri, Dr


Artificial Intelligence, Metaphor, and Common-Sense Ethics

Meaning and Oneness: A Burrellian Reading of Ṭabāṭabāʾī’s Approach to Religious Language

Presencing Awareness (Āgāhī-i Ḥuzūrī): An Emerging Spirituality in Iran

Grammar as a Tool for Overcoming Inter-Religious Misunderstanding: A Philosophical Approach

Semantics of divine names: Tabatabai’s principle of ‘focal meaning’ and Burrell’s grammar of God-talk

Traditions-Directed Approach in the Comparative Philosophy of Religion

ویتگنشتاین و اختلاف نظر میان دینی

Contemporary Muslim-Christian Encounters: Landscapes of Theological Thought

I’tibariat: A New Possible Theoretical Basis for Interreligious Dialogue

Thinking as Evidence for the Probability of the Existence of a God: An Argument from Unnaturalness for Necessity

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