prof. dr. J.T.M. (Jeff) de Hosson

Prof. dr. Jeff Th. M. DeHosson
1. Address
Department of Applied Physics - Technische Natuurkunde
Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
the Netherlands
+31-503634897(Phone) +31-503634881(FAX)
e-mail: ; ;
Address (mail home): POBox 24, 9363 ZG Marum, the Netherlands
2. Date of Birth
27 May 1950, Utrecht, The Netherlands .
3. Education
Gymnasium Apeldoorn : 1962-1968;
Bachelor Degree: Mathematics and Physical sciences 1971, University of Utrecht , the Netherlands, with honors and highest distinction (cum laude);
Master Degree: Major in theoretical physics and chemical physics, 1973, University of Utrecht , the Netherlands, with honors and highest distinction (cum laude);
PhD Degree: Physics, 1976, Atomic configurations and electronic structures of dislocations (Thesis supervisor professor A. Wegener Sleeswijk),University of Groningen , with honors and highest distinction (cum laude);
Post-doc/Visiting Scientist:1976-1978; Northwestern University , Materials Science Department, Chicago-Evanston-USA and visiting scientist University of California at Berkeley , LBL, USA (prof. Jerome (Jerry) B. Cohen and prof. Gareth Thomas).
4. Employment History
1972-1973: Student assistant: University of Utrecht , the Netherlands;
1973-1976: Scientific co-worker, Foundation Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM, National Science Foundation, Physics Division, Utrecht);
1976-1978: Post-doc/visiting scientist, National Science Foundation for Pure Research in the Netherlands ,ZWO, The Hague;
1977-present: Professor of Applied Physics, Appointed by the Crown (Her Majesty Queen Juliana of the Kingdom of the Netherlands , Decree KB 101, October 6th 1977);
1985-2015: Central departmental chair in Applied Physics, University of Groningen , the Netherlands.
5. Awards / Honors/Academies et cetera
Unilever Best MSc Student Award in Physical Sciences, 1973;
Shell Research PhD Award, 1976;
Elected to Royal Holland Society of Science and Humanities (De Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen), 1996;
Honorary member student association Applied Physics, TFV-Francken, 1996- present;
Elected to the National Academy, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen,division physics), 2000;
Elected Fellow American Society for Metals (FASM), 2002;
Acta Materialia Inc Appreciation Award, 2003;
Elected Fellow of the Wessex Institute of Great Britain , 2004;
Trophy Award, Materials Research Society , USA , 2004;
Eminent Scientist Medal, Wessex Institute of Great Britain/Un. of Southampton , 2005;
European Materials Gold Medal, European Materials Societies, 2005;
Acta Materialia Best Paper Award, 2006;
Chairman of the division Applied Sciences of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, division physics/ afdeling natuurkunde), 2006-2012;
Honorary Guest Professorship Tsinghua University , Beijing, China, 2008-present;
Elected Fellow International Society Nanoscience and Nanotechnolgy, 2008;
Honorary Guest Professorship, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University , South Africa , 2008-present;
Nanostructured Materials Award 2009;
NanoSmatPrize 2009;
TMS -Triple M (Materials Metals Minerals) Society USA Fellow Award 2009;
Honorary Guest Professorship, University of Science and Technology Beijing, USTB, 2009-present;
Lee Hsun Lecture Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metals Research, Shenyang , 2010;
China Distinguished Materials Scientists Forum Award,Beijing,2010;
William Mong Distinguished Science & Engineering Award, University of Hong Kong (2012);
Elected Fellow NanoSMAT Society (2016);
Elected to the Academy of Sciences Europe, 'Academia Europaea' (2016);
Distinguished Scientist Award, THERMEC International , Processing & manufacturing of advanced materials (2018);
Knighthood 'Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw' (Crown decree March 7th 2019) Knight Order Netherlands Lion;
Silver Honorary Academy Plaquette of University of Groningen (Grand Auditorium March 29th, 2019)
6. Editorships of academic journals, Editorial boards and Scientific boards
Editor in Chief: Acta Materialia Book series ActaMat Inc/Elsevier
Editor Scripta Materialia/Acta Materialia;
Editor J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology;
Editor-in-Chief Functional Nanostructures (Open Access, ONECENTRALPRESS, UK-Cambridge);
Editor Advances in Materials Science and Engineering;
Editorial board Encyclopedia Nano Science and Nanotechnology;
Editorial board Current NanoScience;
Editorial board Surface & Coating Technology;
Editorial board Surface Engineering;
Editorial board Interface Science;
Editorial board Computational Materials Science;
Editorial board Materials Science Forum;
Editorial board Microstructure and Materials Properties;
Editorial board High Temperature Materials and Processes;
Editorial board International Journal of Molecular Engineering;
Editorial board Jap. Intern. J. Iron and Steel;
Editorial board Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements;
Editorial board Journal Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials;
Editorial Board Acta Materialia Sinica;
Editorial Board , Open Access 'Metals', MDPI.
Selection of Exec. Comm., Scientific Boards, Quality Assessment Committees (International)
Associate editor Acta Materialia; 1984-2024;
Associate editor Scripta Materialia; 1984-2024;
Board of Governors, Acta Materialia Inc. ( USA ), 1993-1996, 2004-2006;
Board Fed. European Materials Societies (FEMS); 1990-1998;
Board Surface Engineering, ASM International; 2000-2015;
Board TNO -advisory board (Lorentz-foundation), 1988-2003;
Chairman of the committee and member of the Executive Board FOM-Materialen, National Science Foundation of the Netherlands -Physics Division, (NWO, the Hague );
Chairman of the committee and member of the Executive Board Priority Program on Materials Science, National Science Foundation of the Netherlands , (NWO- the Hague );
Chairman International committee on nano-structured materials Nano2010-Rome, Nano2012 Rodos,past-chair Nano2014-Moscow and Nano2016-Quebec-Canada;
Executive Board, member NWO-Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy,ASTRON, the Hague , 2009-2018;
Executive Board, Founding member of one (out of four) of the leading technological institutes in the Netherlands , the Netherlands Institute for Metals Research; 1997-2007;
Executive Board member Euromat Steering Committee; 1988-1998;
Executive Board member International committee on nano-structured materials (Nano2002-Orlando, Nano2004-Wiesbaden, Nano2006-Bangalore, Nano2008-Rio de Janeiro, Nano2010-Rome,present);
Executive Board member and vice-chairman of the Council of Physics and Astronomy of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, division physics/ afdeling natuurkunde), 2001-2007;
Program Council Advies Groep Materialen, Min. Econ.Affairs, the Hague , 1985-1990;
Program Council IOP programme Metals, Senter, the Hague , 1990-2000;
Program Council IOP programme Self Healing Materials, Senter, the Hague , 2008-2015;
Program Council and Cluster leader of the leading technological institute: Netherlands Institute for Metals Research,1997-2007;
Program Council member and Cluster leader of the leading technological institute in the Netherlands, Materials Innovation Institute, 2008-2015;
Review committee "Quality assessment of research in metals research", Danmarks Grundforskningsfond, Danish Science Foundation, 1984;
Review committee "Quality assessment of research in engineering", Grantová agentura České republiky, Czech Science Foundation, Prague , 2001-present;
Review committee of the Program Strategic Alliances of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and Ministry Science & Technology (MOST), Academia Sinica, China , 2002-2010;
Review committee "Quality assessment of research in nano science and engineering", National Science Foundation, Chile, 2010-1015;
Review committee "Quality assessment of research in materials science", Belgium-Flanders Science Foundations (FWO) Division for Material and Technical Sciences, FWO, 2003-2015;
Review committee "Quality assessment of research in applied physics", Grantová agentura České republiky, Czech Science Foundation, Prague , 2004-present;
Review committee "Quality assessment of research in materials science", Danmarks Grundforskningsfond, Danish Science Foundation, 2008-2015;
Review committee: Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche,rue Descartes - 75231 Paris cedex 05, France, Stratégie nationale de recherche et d'innovation,2010-2015;
Review committee: FP7/FP8 Brussels, "Quality assessment of research in nanomechanics and surface engineering". 2006-2015;
Review committee: USA- Israel collaborations, grant proposals, size effects in materials 2008-present;
Review committee: NSF, Washington DC, USA, individual grant proposals, 1998-present;
Review committee "Quality assessment of research in Nano Science and Nano Technology", Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Division for Natural and Technical Sciences, Austrian Nano initiative, Vienna , 2004-2006;
Review committee EU Research Grants, Brussels, 2013;
Review committee EU Research Grants, ERC Starter Grants, Brussels, 2015;
Review committee "Quality assessment of research in Technion Faculty Materials Science and Engineering" , Technion -Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 2015;
Review committee EU Research Grants, ERC Starter Grants, Brussels, 2016;
Review committee, Individual Grants - Reinhart Koselleck Projects, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2016;
Review committee,Foundation for Polish Science, Warsaw, Poland, 2016-2022;
Review committee EU Research Grants, ERC Starter Grants, Brussels, 2015-2022;
Head NANOSMAT School , Manchester, UK, 2016-2020;
Review committee Academy of Finland, 2017,2018;2020;
Review committee EU Research Grants, ERC Advanced Grants, 2018;
Review committee EU Research Grants, ERC Grants, Brussels, 2019;
Review committee and Chair "External Advisory Board CeFEMA Instituto Superior Técnico of Universidade de Lisboa." Portugal, 2015-2019;
Review committee Research institutes Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2016-2022;
Review committee and Chair Leoben University, Techical Un. Vienna, 2022;
Review committee and Chair Olomouc University, Czech Republic, 2023.
7. Selection of executive boards (local & internal, Faculty)
Dean of Physics, University of Groningen, 1989-1992;
Executive board Faculty of Mathematics and Natural sciences, University of Groningen, 1984-1989;
Head of Department of Applied Physics, University of Groningen,1984-2000;
Founding Executive Board member and chairman of one (out of six) of the leading National Science Institutes (NWO- the Hague ), Materials Science Centre of the University of Groningen, at present named : Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials(ZiAM) ; 1998-2002;
Chairman and member of the executive board Materials Science Centre, at present named : Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials(ZiAM), University of Groningen, 1978-2002;
Chairman, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen, 2008-2012;
Chairman and member of the executive board of Education in Physics and Applied Physics, University of Groningen, 1980-1990;1996-2000;2009-2014;
Chairman Exam Council, Physics and Applied Physics, University of Groningen, 2008-2014.
8. Scientific publications and PhD Theses supervised (1975-ijkl)
He published more than 1100 publications in international scientific journals, including 190 papers in conference proceedings, 34 elaborate review papers /chapters in books and 26 books editor on dislocation dynamics, transmission electron microscopy, and surface science & engineering. Up to now he surpervised 87 PhD theses and more than 600 BaSc/MSc Theses. Details can be found in the Appendix attached.
9. Reviewer Scientific Journals
Science, Nature, Nature Materials, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review , J. Applied Physics , Applied Physics Letters, Philosophical Magazine , Phil. Mag. Letters, Surface Engineering, Metallurgical and Material Transactions A, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Journal of Materials Science, Journal Materials Research, Solid State Communications , J. Phys. Chem. Solids , Interface Science , J. Phys. D, condensed matter, Intl. J. Materials Research, Acta Biomaterialia, Applied Energy, Applied Surface Science , CARBON, Chemical Engineering Science, Computational Materials Science, Corrosion Science, Composites Science and Technology , Diamond and Related Materials, Intermetallics, International Journal of Plasticity, Journal of Aerosol Science, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Materials and Design, Optics & Laser Technology, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Materials Characterization, Mechanics of Materials, Microelectronic Engineering, Materials Letters, Materials Research Bulletin, Materials Science & Engineering A, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Optical Materials, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Solid State Ionics, Solid State Sciences, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Surface and Coatings Technology, Surface Science, Tribology International, Thin Solid Films, Ultramicroscopy, Vacuum, Wear..
10. 10 publications representing fields of interests
(see for downloads)
Herman Fidder, Indranil Basu, Jeff Th.M. DeHosson: Twinning induced spatial stress gradients: Local versus global stress states in hexagonal close-packed materials,
Acta Materialia 256 (2023) 119142-59
Jintao Fu, Eric Detsi, Jeff Th.M. De Hosson: Recent advances in nanoporous materials for renewable energy resources conversion into fuels, Surface & Coatings Technology 347 (2018) 320–336
Jeff Th.M. De Hosson: Gaining sight after being blind, Ultramicroscopy, 192 (2018) 37–49
E. Detsi, S.H. Tolbert, S. Punzhin, J.Th.M. De Hosson, Metallic muscles and beyond: nanofoams at work, J Mater Sci Golden Jubilee Issue J Mater Sci (2016) 51:615–634
R. van Bremen, D. Ribas Gomes, L.T.H. de Jeer, V. Ocelík, and J.Th.M. De Hosson: On the optimum resolution of transmission-electron back scattered diffraction (t-EBSD), Ultramicroscopy, Vol.160 (2016) 256–264
E.T. Faber, D. Martinez-Martinez, C. Mansilla,V. Ocelík, J.Th.M. De Hosson, Calibration-free quantitative surface topography reconstruction in scanning electron microscopy, Ultramicroscopy, 148 (2015) 31-41
D.Martinez-Martinez and J.Th.M. De Hosson: On the deposition and properties of DLC protective coatings on elastomers: a critical review, Surface and Coating Technology, vol. 258 , Pages 677–690, 2014
Julia R. Greer and Jeff Th.M. De Hosson: Plasticity in small-sized metallic systems: Intrinsic versus extrinsic size effect, Progress in Materials Science (2011) 56: 654–724.
Albano Cavaleiro and Jeff T.M. De Hosson, Nanostructured Coatings, Springer, New York , 2006, 648 p. (in Russian: Альбано де Кавалейро (Коимбра), Джефф Т. М. де Хоссон (Гронинген) Наноструктурные покрытия, Мир Материалов и Технологий, TEXHOCΦEPA, MOCKBA, 2011, pp: 1-750)
K. Michielsen, H. De Raedt, J.T.M. De Hosson, Aspects of Integral-Geometry,
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics 125, 119 - 195 (2002)
Last modified: | 25 February 2024 08.56 a.m. |