J.R. (José Rafael) Medeiros Coelho, MA

j.r.medeiros.coelho rug.nl
As a PhD Student and Teaching & Research Staff member at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, my academic journey is deeply rooted in history, anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies. My PhD research, titled "Ottoman Arab Migrations to Latin America (Antioch-São Paulo): Mapping Transnational Hubs, Networks, and Cultural Heritage," delves into the migration history of Ottoman Arab Christians to Latin America during the 19th and 20th centuries. By critically examining the complex interplay of migration, identity, and heritage, my research aims to deepen our comprehension of the transnational connections between the Middle East and Latin America, all the while questioning prevailing historical narratives. Amidst the urgency of potential heritage loss caused by the 2023 earthquakes in Antioch, coupled with the politicization of cultural identity in Turkey, my research is committed to the preservation and documentation of the cultural heritage linked to Antiochian Arab Christians.
Last modified: | 03 April 2024 08.20 a.m. |