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Author Correction: Symptoms and quality of life before, during, and after a SARS-CoV-2 PCR positive or negative test: data from Lifelines (Scientific Reports, (2023), 13, 1, (11713), 10.1038/s41598-023-38223-5)

De versterking van de kennisinfrastructuur rondom preventie: handreiking analyse en aanbevelingen (NFU paper)

Educational and income inequalities across diseases in Denmark: a register-based cohort study

Inequality in an Equal Society

New insights into the paradox between smoking and the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19): Insufficient evidence for a causal association

Performance assessment to improve public health systems

Sarcopenia augments the risk of excess weight on COVID-19 hospitalization: A prospective study using the Lifelines COVID-19 cohort

The association of overweight, obesity, and long-term obesity with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a meta-analysis of 9 population-based cohorts from the Netherlands Cohorts Consortium

The impact of a lifestyle behaviour change program on healthcare costs: Quasi-experimental real-world evidence from an open-access mobile health app in the Netherlands

Types of fish consumption differ across socioeconomic strata and impact differently on plasma fish-based omega-3 fatty acids: a cross-sectional study


Gezondheidseconoom Mierau: 'Patiënt is straks de dupe'

We worden ouder, maar ook ongezonder

‘Ongezonde bedrijven zijn sneller dan de wetgever kan bijbenen’

Bezuinigen op preventie? ‘Zo worden de verschillen in gezondheid alleen maar groter’

Praat mee: We worden steeds dikker, moet de overheid ingrijpen?

Gezondheidseconoom: 'Verband niet aangetoond, hoge zorgkosten rond industrie wel zorgelijk'