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Rainfall is associated with divorce in the socially monogamous Seychelles warbler

Adult sex ratio influences courtship behaviour, contest behaviour and breeding success in Onthophagus taurus

Causes and consequences of divorce in a long-lived socially monogamous bird

Implications of adult sex ratios for natal dispersal in a cooperative breeder

Lack of parental mate-switching effects on offspring fitness components in a long-lived socially monogamous species

Longitudinal gut microbiome dynamics in relation to age and senescence in a wild animal population

May brood desertion be ruled by partner parenting capability in a polygamous songbird? An experimental study

Revisiting the ecology and evolution of burying beetle behavior (Staphylinidae: Silphinae)

The impact of helping experience on helper life-history and fitness in a cooperatively breeding bird

A major myna problem: Invasive predator removal benefits female survival and population growth of a translocated island endemic


Beschermer van een eiland - 38 jaar onderzoek op Cousin

Chinese penduline tit buries eggs to prevent them from blowin' in the wind

In bird couples, who is taking care of the kids?

Life in three words: Run, fight, or cooperate

ISBE Newsletter

Seychelles: $78,000 Donation for Nature Seychelles Will Rebuild Cousin Island Research Centre

De Kennis van Nu - Samenwerken in de natuur

Ecuadorian cactus absorbs ultrasound, enticing bats to flowers