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prof. dr. J.K. (Hanneke) Muthert

Professor Psychology of Religion with special attention for Spiritual Care and Wellbeing


My main research topic is about what do people need to share their existential issues in a constructive way -in different work and care contexts. Concrete research contexts/projects:
1) The earthquake region Groningen - disaster chaplaincy; 2) UMCG: addressing the spiritual dimension in hospital care; 3) Meaningful work: student internship project that stimulates meaningful exchanges in organsiations by using a scan; 4) Low literacy and meaning making in east Groningen; 5) Grief, trauma and religion/spirituality in Mental Health Care; 6) Spiritual care in psychedelic treatment in the context of depression/end of life;

Other positions

Head of the department for Comparative Study of Religion
Chair of the scientific board of the VGVZ (professional organization for spiritual counselors)
Kerngroeplid Kenniswerkplaats zingeving: geestelijke verzorging thuis en zorg voor zingeving thuis (ZonMw)
Voorzitter deelprojectgroep onderzoek naar geestelijke verzorging thuis (Agora/ZonMw)
Member Dutch commitee for disaster chaplaincy
Guest member Federatie Zingeving en GGZ
Member werkgroep Expertisefunctie geestelijke verzorging (thuis) (VWS; 2022-)
Member of the scientic council of the Consortium voor Integrale Zorg en Gezondheid (CIZG) 2023-...
Last modified:13 March 2024 07.38 a.m.

Contact information

Oude Boteringestraat 38
9712 GK Groningen
The Netherlands

Place of work
