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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. J.J.M. Ligtenberg


Association between oxidized nucleobases and mitochondrial DNA damage with long-term mortality in patients with sepsis

A Systematic Review of the Effects of Hyperoxia in Acutely Ill Patients: Should We Aim for Less?

Orthostatic blood pressure measurements are often overlooked during the initial evaluation of syncope in the emergency department

Pain score, desire for pain treatment and effect on pain satisfaction in the emergency department: a prospective, observational study

Prehospital antibiotics for sepsis: beyond mortality?

Repeated vital sign measurements in the emergency department predict patient deterioration within 72 hours: A prospective observational study

Sepsis patients in the emergency department: Stratification using the Clinical Impression Score, Predisposition, Infection, Response and Organ dysfunction score or quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score?

Times are A-Changin': self-poisoning and ICU admissions in the northern part of the Netherlands

Titration of oxygen therapy in critically ill emergency department patients: a feasibility study

Naming and Blaming, SIRS-UO

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