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ALMA Band 9 upgrade: aA feasibility study

APEX-SEPIA660 Early Science: gas at densities above 107 cm-3 towards OMC-1

Advanced tuning algorithms for high-frequency SIS mixers

Design and Performance of a Sideband Separating SIS Mixer for 800-950 GHz

Orion-KL Observations with the Extended Tuning Range of the New SEPIA660 APEX Facility Instrument

Towards sideband-separation for ALMA's highest bands

A Deployable 600-720GHz ALMA-TypeSideband-Separating Receiver Cartridge

ALMA Band 5 receiver cartridge. Design, performance, and commissioning

Corrigendum: SEPIA - a new single pixel receiver at the APEX telescope (

A high-performance 650GHz sideband-separating mixer -Design and results