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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.A. Hoogerland


Hepatic ChREBP orchestrates intrahepatic carbohydrate metabolism to limit hepatic glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen accumulation in a mouse model for acute Glycogen Storage Disease type Ib (6675 words)

Genetic deletion of hepatic NCOR1 protects from atherosclerosis by promoting alternative bile acid-metabolism and sterol excretion

Human induced pluripotent stem cell–derived liver-on-a-chip for studying drug metabolism: the challenge of the cytochrome P450 family

Normalization of hepatic ChREBP activity does not protect against liver disease progression in a mouse model for Glycogen Storage Disease type Ia

Cholangiopathy and biliary fibrosis in Cyp2c70-deficient mice are fully reversed by ursodeoxycholic acid

Disrupted glucose-6-phosphate-ChREBP signalling aggravates hepatomegaly and accelerates liver disease progression in a mouse model for Glycogen Storage Disease type 1a

Hepatocyte-specific glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency disturbs platelet aggregation and decreases blood monocytes upon fasting-induced hypoglycemia

Impaired Very-Low-Density Lipoprotein catabolism links hypoglycemia to hypertriglyceridemia in Glycogen Storage Disease type Ia

Glycogen storage disease type 1a is associated with disturbed vitamin A metabolism and elevated serum retinol levels

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