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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons I. (Ingrid) Schuttert, MSc


Validity of the Central Sensitization Inventory to Address Human Assumed Central Sensitization: Newly Proposed Clinically Relevant Values and Associations

Human assumed central sensitisation (HACS) in patients with chronic low back pain radiating to the leg (CLaSSICO study)

The Definition, Assessment, and Prevalence of (Human Assumed) Central Sensitisation in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review

Probability of central sensitisation in patients with chronic low back pain radiating to one leg.

Probability of Central Sensitization in patients with chronic low back pain radiating to one leg.

The Troubles With Patient Inclusion in a Study About Pain in Patients With Endometriosis.

The Troubles With Patient Inclusion in a Study About Pain in Patients With Endometriosis.

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