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dr. I.F. (Ielka) van der Sluis

Assistant Professor
Profile picture of dr. I.F. (Ielka) van der Sluis

Dr. Ielka van der Sluis is a member of the Center for Language and Cognition Groningen. She is a Senior Lecturer at Department of Communication and Information Science, at the University of Groningen since August 2011. Ielka's research interests are: human communication, information presentation, human computer interaction, natural language generation, affective computing and multimodal interaction.

From May 2008 til July 2011 Ielka was a Research Fellow at the Computational Linguistics Group at the Department of Computer Science at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. At the Systems Framework group at the Centre of Next Generation Localisation she worked on novel interaction design techniques and evaluation metrics to support the development of multimodal applications.

Previously, Ielka was a member of the Natural Language Generation Group at Department of Computing Science at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland UK. At Aberdeen, Ielka was a Research Fellow at the EPSRC-funded TUNA project. TUNA focussed on an experimental (essentially psycholinguistic) approach to generating referring expressions and proposed automatic evaluation measures. In 2007 and 2008 Ielka was engaged in the EPSRC platform grant project `Affecting People with Natural Language', which main goal is to investigate how text affects people with respect to their emotional state.

In 2005 Ielka received her PhD degree in Computational Linguistics from the University of Tilburg (TICC at Tilburg),  where she worked on a SOBU project named `Context-based Natural Language Generation in Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction', focussing on the generation of multimodal referring expressions.

During her studies at Information Science at the University of Groningen, Ielka was a research assistant at the Human Media Interaction group at the University of Twente. In the EC funded OLIVE project Ielka worked on an alignment module to facilitate indexation of broadcasting archives.

For more details see Ielka's CV.

Last modified:25 June 2022 1.15 p.m.