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dr. I.C. (Irma) Knevel

Degree programme coordinator Biomedical Engineering (Cluster Engineering)
Profile picture of dr. I.C. (Irma) Knevel
BME secretariat:


The scientific community accepts marram grass to be non-invasive in dune stabilisation in the Cape

De Levende Natuur 110 jaar: Van Heimans en Thijsse tot dvd

The LEDA Traitbase: A database of life-history traits of the Northwest European flora

Groupings of life-history traits are associated with distribution of forest plant species in a fragmented landscape

Release from native root herbivores and biotic resistance by soil pathogens in a new habitat both affect the alien Ammophila arenaria in South Africa

Life-history traits of the northwest European flora: The LEDA database

The life history of selected coastal foredune species of South Africa

Soil nutrient input effects on seed longevity: A burial experiment with fen meadow species

Genetic variation in isolated populations of the ground beetle Pterostichus lepidus L (Coleoptera, Carabidae)