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Shifting Priorities: Dutch Agricultural Education and Local Knowledge Circulation, c. 1890-1970

De komst van de trekker

Knowledge, Networks, and Niches: Dutch agricultural innovation in an international perspective, c. 1880-1970

Aloude export-oriëntatie staat verduurzaming van onze landbouw in de weg

Cooperative Organization and Agricultural Innovation: The Case of the Dutch Sugar Beet Cooperatives, c. 1890-1970

The Dutch "Greenhouse Revolution" and agricultural credit infrastructure

Agricultural Innovation and State-Led Consultancy: The Diffusion of Useful Chemical Knowledge among Dutch Farmers, c. 1890-1950

Agricultural Innovation and State-Led Consultancy: The Diffusion of Useful Chemical Knowledge among Dutch Farmers, c. 1890-1960

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'Boeren gedwongen om steeds groter te worden, maar lopen tegen grenzen aan'

Boer en tuinder staan aan de vooravond van nieuwe tijden

'De tractor veranderde alles'