dr. H. (Harm) Zwarts

Academic Experience
Since August 2020: Assistant Professor of Social and Economic History at the University of Groningen
April - June 2020: Lecturer in Social and Economic History at Utrecht University
Fall 2018: Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan
2016-2020: PhD candidate at the Rural and Environmental History Group, Wageningen University
Fall 2015: Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania
2016-2020 PhD at Wageningen University (dissertation titled 'Knowledge, Networks, and Niches: Dutch agricultural innovation in an international perspective, c. 1880-1970', approved by the reading committee on April 16, 2020 and to be defended in the Spring of 2021 [postponed due to corona measures])
2013-2015 Research Master Modern History at Utrecht University
2009-2013 Bachelor History at Utrecht University
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 11.50 a.m. |