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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. H.W. (Henderien) Steenbeek


Exploring the relation between teacher autonomy support and children’s musical creativity: A complexity approach to studying interaction in primary school music lessons

Corrigendum: Promoting creative autonomy support in school music education: an intervention study targeting interaction (Frontiers in Education, (2023), 7, (1102011), 10.3389/feduc.2022.1102011)

Promoting creative autonomy support in school music education: An intervention study targeting interaction

Samenwerken in het speciaal onderwijs bekeken vanuit verschillende perspectieven

Succesfactoren en knelpunten in de samenwerking tussen onderwijs en jeugdhulp in de klas

Towards a conceptual framework of adaptivity in face-to-face-interaction: an interdisciplinary review of adaptivity concepts

Geïntegreerd onderwijszorgaanbod voor kinderen met ASS

Teacher-Student Interaction Patterns Change During an Early Science Teaching Intervention

Applying an Agent-based Model to Simulate Just-In-Time Support for Keeping Users of eLearning Courses Motivated

Education and Development as complex dynamic agent systems:: How theory informs methodology

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Ons onderwijssysteem is eigenlijk nog steeds hetzelfde als in 1863

Leren over het stimuleren van talenten

Interview voor artikel in Onderwijsblad