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About us Practical matters How to find us H.H. (Hermien) Dijk, PhD


Treatments with versus without medication for children with behavioural difficulties in clinical practice: an economic evaluation with observational data

Jeugdzorggebruik in de Noordelijke Provincies: Een exploratieve studie naar verklaringen van gemeenten voor verschil in jeugdzorggebruik

Maatschappelijke kosten van trauma

Mental health over the life course: Evidence for a U-shape?

Association between socioeconomic status and self-reported, tested and diagnosed COVID-19 status during the first wave in the Northern Netherlands: a general population-based cohort from 49 474 adults

Cost-Effectiveness and Cost Utility of Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review

Mental Health over the Lifecycle: an Economic Perspective

Vocational Rehabilitation for Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain With or Without a Work Module: An Economic Evaluation

Can We Change Health Care Costs in Patients With Complex Back Pain? Results From a 5-year Before and After Study: Results From a 5 year Before and After Study

The persistence of child and adolescence mental healthcare: results from registry data