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A template and tutorial for preregistering studies using passive smartphone measures

Capturing the Social Life of a Person by Integrating Experience-Sampling Methodology and Personal-Social-Network Assessments

Combining the strengths of Dutch survey and register data in a data challenge to predict fertility (PreFer)

Explaining uncertainty in women's fertility preferences

Feedback About a Person’s Social Context - Personal Networks and Daily Social Interactions

Growing Up Together in Society (GUTS): A team science effort to predict societal trajectories in adolescence and young adulthood

It’s all about timing: Exploring different temporal resolutions for analyzing digital-phenotyping data

Predicting Mood Based on the Social Context Measured Through the Experience Sampling Method, Digital Phenotyping, and Social Networks

Understanding Narratives of Uncertainty in Fertility Intentions of Dutch Women: A Neural Topic Modeling Approach

A data-driven approach shows that individuals' characteristics are more important than their networks in predicting fertility preferences

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Why are Americans getting shorter?

Willen vrouwen nog wel een kind op deze wereld zetten?

Waarom zijn Nederlanders zo lang?

Los universitarios miden tres centímetros más que los que solo tienen estudios de primaria

University students are three centimeters taller than those with only primary education

Kabinet kent ruim € 142 miljoen voor wetenschappelijk toponderzoek toe

Top 200 landen met langste en kleinste mannen en vrouwen ter wereld 2022

Taille : L'espèce humaine est-elle en train de rapetisser ?

Waarom zijn Nederlanders zo lang?

World's tallest get shrinking feeling

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