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About us Practical matters How to find us G.J. (Greg) Poarch, PhD

G.J. (Greg) Poarch, PhD

Associate Professor of English Linguistics and English as a Second Language (ESL)
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Exploring the link between multilingual experiences, genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's Disease and cognitive performance in middle-aged adults

Investigating the association between multilingual experiences, resting-state brain activity and familial genetic risk for Alzheimer's Disease in middle-aged adults

Processing to learn noncanonical word orders: Exploring linguistic and cognitive predictors of reanalysis in early L2 sentence comprehension

Theories and models in cognitive bilingualism

Cross-language activation during word recognition in child second-language learners and the role of executive function

English Sentence Constructions

Learning to teach English as a third language: Plurilingual competence in the making

Teaching English as an additional language in German secondary schools: Pluralistic approaches to language learning and teaching in action

The cognitive effects of bilingualism

Does language context impact the neural correlates of executive control in monolingual and multilingual young adults?

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