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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. G. (Gea) Drost


11C-Methionine uptake in meningiomas after stereotactic radiotherapy.

Intraoperative monitoring of the central and peripheral nervous systems: a narrative review

Longitudinal analysis of serum neurofilament light chain levels as marker for neuronal damage in hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis

Objective clinical registration of tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity during awake stereotactic neurosurgery: a scoping review

The Association of Physiological and Pharmacological Anesthetic Parameters With Motor-Evoked Potentials: A Multivariable Longitudinal Mixed Model Analysis

Tinnitus: an underreported condition following microvascular decompression for hemifacial spasm

Accelerometric quantification of FTM tremor measurements in ET patients: a pilot study

A Novel Accelerometry Method to Perioperatively Quantify Essential Tremor Based on Fahn–Tolosa–Marin Criteria

Comparing Motor-Evoked Potential Characteristics of NEedle versus suRFACE Recording Electrodes during Spinal Cord Monitoring: The NERFACE Study Part I

Dorsal subthalamic nucleus targeting in deep brain stimulation: microelectrode recording versus 7-Tesla connectivity

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