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About us Practical matters How to find us F. (Francesca) Giardini, PhD

Research interests

From The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, to products' reviews on eBay, or to friends recommending restaurants and books, we are immersed in a network of evaluations about individuals, places, goods, companies or even institutions. Knowing others' reputations allows us to make predictions about their behaviors, and being effective in managing one's own reputation is crucial for social inclusion. 

In my research I am interested in identifying the conditions under which reputation and gossip might support or hamper cooperation in different setting. I am especially interested in social sustainability and on the mechanisms promoting it. I recently started working on the network dynamics of cooperation in organizations. 


Competing norms and shifting saliences. How norm beliefs affected behavior among Dutch health care interns during the COVID-19 lockdown

Homophily in opinion networks affects collective risk perception in heterogeneous populations

Modeling Realistic Human Behavior in Disasters. A Rapid Literature Review of Agent-Based Models reviews

On modeling collective risk perception via opinion dynamics

Social Dilemmas: From Competition to Cooperation

Understanding post disaster prosociality: Comparing post earthquake cooperation and fairness in two Italian regions

Shared understanding and task-interdependence in nursing interns’ collaborative relations: A social network study of vocational health care internships in the Netherlands

Social capital

The Evolution of Reputation-Based Cooperation: A Goal Framing Theory of Gossip

Using mobile phone data to map evacuation and displacement: a case study of the central Italy earthquake


The Surprising Benefits of Gossip

Les metamorphoses de l'amitie

Waarom we zo graag over beroemdheden roddelen (maar er liever niet voor uitkomen)

Why is crisis communication so difficult?

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