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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons E.V. (Emillie Victoria) de Keulenaar, MA

E.V. (Emillie Victoria) de Keulenaar, MA

Profielfoto van E.V. (Emillie Victoria) de Keulenaar, MA

Academic publications

de Keulenaar, E. and Rogers, R. (2024) ‘After deplatforming: the return of trace research for the study of platform effects’, in T. Venturini et al. (eds) The SAGE Handbook of Data and Society: An Interdisciplinary Reader in Critical Data Studies. London: SAGE. Available at:

de Keulenaar, E. et al. (2024) ‘Computational cross-media research: tracing divergences between Dutch television and social media discourses on the “refugee crisis”’, Convergence [Preprint].

De Keulenaar, E., Magalhães, J.C. and Ganesh, B. (2023) ‘Modulating moderation: a history of objectionability in Twitter moderation practices’, Journal of Communication, 73(3), pp. 273–287. Available at:

De Keulenaar, E. (2023) ‘The affordances of extreme speech’, Big Data & Society, 10(2), p. 20539517231206810. Available at:

de Keulenaar, E. and Tuters, M. (2023) ‘The Affordances of Replacement Narratives: How the White Genocide and Great Replacement Theories Converge in Poorly Moderated Online Milieus’, in The Politics of Replacement. Routledge.

Emillie de Keulenaar et al. (2023) ‘Twitter as accidental authority: how a platform assumed an adjucative role during the COVID-19 pandemic’, in Richard Rogers (ed.) The Propagation of Misinformation in Social Media: a Cross-Platform Analysis. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 109–138. Available at:

de Keulenaar, E. et al. (2022) ‘A free market in extreme speech: Scientific racism and bloodsports on YouTube’, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 37(4), pp. 949–971. Available at:

Keulenaar, E. de, Burton, A.G. and Kisjes, I. (2021) ‘Deplatforming, demotion and folk theories of Big Tech persecution’, Fronteiras - estudos midiáticos, 23(2), pp. 118–139. Available at:

de Keulenaar, E. V. et al. (2019) ‘On Altpedias: partisan epistemics in the encyclopaedias of alternative facts’, Artnodes, (24), pp. 83–90. doi: 10.7238/a.v0i24.3300.

de Keulenaar, E. V. (2019) ‘Critical Digital Diplomacy and How Theory Can Inform Practice’, in New Realities in Foreign Affairs: Diplomacy in the 21st Century. Baden-Baden, Germany: Andrássy Universität Budapest (Andrássy Studien zur Europaforschung, 23), pp. 63–70.

Melissen, J. and Keulenaar, E. V. de (2017) ‘Critical Digital Diplomacy as a Global Challenge: The South Korean Experience’, Global Policy, 8(3), pp. 294–302. doi: 10.1111/1758-5899.12425.

Selected non-academic publications

Schaper, J., de Keulenaar, E. and Tuters, M. (2023) Coronascepsis in de media. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. Available at:

de Keulenaar, E. and Smith, R. (2021) ‘Cross-platform construction of a conspiracy theory: URL analysis’, First Draft - Digital Investigations Recipe Series, 7 April. Available at: (Accessed: 31 May 2021).

de Keulenaar, E. (2021) ‘Tracking misinformation across platforms on 4chan, 8kun and Reddit’, First Draft - Digital Investigations Recipe Series, 31 March. Available at: (Accessed: 31 May 2021).

de Keulenaar, E. and Smith, R. (2021) ‘Misinformation networks on YouTube: recommended videos’, First Draft - Digital Investigations Recipe Series, 24 March. Available at: (Accessed: 31 May 2021).

de Keulenaar, E. and Smith, R. (2021) ‘Tracking YouTube videos across the web’, First Draft - Digital Investigations Recipe Series, 17 March. Available at: (Accessed: 31 May 2021).

de Keulenaar, E. V. (2019) ‘A dialogue-driven approach to address the partisan dynamics of online misinformation’, Security and Human Rights Monitor, 17 November. Available at: (Accessed: 18 November 2019).

Tuters, M. et al. (2019) ‘4chan’s YouTube: A Fringe Perspective on YouTube’s Great Purge of 2019’. Available at: (Accessed: 23 June 2019).

de Keulenaar, E. V. (2018) ‘The Rise and Fall of Kekistan: A Story of Idiomatic Animus as Told Through Youtube’s Related Videos’, OILab, April. Available at: (Accessed: 6 May 2018).

de Keulenaar, E. V. (2018) ‘Arktos’ Reformulation of the Far-Right’. Available at: (Accessed: 23 June 2019).

In the media

Bouma, R. (2023) ‘Onderzoeken tonen aan: haatberichten floreren op Twitter onder Musk [Surveys show: hate messages are flourishing on Twitter under Musk]’, Nieuwsuur , 30 January. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Fuchigami T. (2023) ‘SNS投稿妄信し議会襲撃・「スマホあれば世界がわかる」…[情報偏食]第1部<上> [Attacking Congress based on false belief in SNS posts: ``If you have a smartphone, you can understand the world’’... [Information bias] Part 1 <Part 1>]’, Yomiuri , 1 February. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Gelbart, H., Gragnani, J. and Senra, R. (2023) ‘Brazil: The code word used to invite protesters to a riot’, BBC News , 10 January. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Gragnani, J. (2022) ‘“Não vamos parar”: a reação de grupos bolsonaristas nas redes ao discurso de Bolsonaro’, BBC News Brasil , 1 November. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Martins, L. (2023) ‘Pesquisa revela que Telegram foi crucial para atos em janeiro [Research reveals that Telegram was crucial for January attacks in Brasilia]’, Núcleo Jornalismo , 9 February, p. Online. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Nieuwsuur [@Nieuwsuur] (2023) ‘Sinds Elon Musk Twitter heeft overgenomen neemt het aantal haat- en complotberichten toe. De steenrijke ondernemer liet duizenden geschorste twitteraars terugkeren. Tegelijkertijd ontsloeg hij massaal veiligheidsexperts en moderatoren. [Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, the number of hate and conspiracy messages has increased. The wealthy entrepreneur allowed thousands of suspended Twitter users to return. At the same time, he fired security experts and moderators en masse.]’, Twitter. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Oostveen, M. (2023) ‘Met het afwijzen van de coronascepsis versterkte de overheid het bredere wantrouwen [By rejecting corona skepticism, the government reinforced broader mistrust]’, de Volkskrant , 23 June. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Scott, M. (2023) ‘Digital Bridge: Transatlantic AI confusion — Anatomy of a (failed) digital coup — The $220 billion tax question’, POLITICO , 19 January. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Scott, M. (2022) ‘Russia turns its diplomats into disinformation warriors’, POLITICO , 7 April. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Scott, M. (2021) ‘Big Tech’s trying to stop coronavirus misinformation. It’s not enough.’, POLITICO , 11 March. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Amsterdam Economic Board (2020) ‘Media and the lies around COVID-19’, Amsterdam Economic Board , 13 September. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Conference presentations

de Keulenaar, E. and Alves dos Santos Junior, M. (2023) ‘Dislocated moderation: platform content moderation of Brazilian militarism during the 2022 elections’, in Revolution. AoIR, Philadelphia, USA: AoIR. Available at:

de Keulenaar, E. (2023) ‘Censorship and moderation’, in. Decifrando censuras: da regulação à produção de inexistências, do arquivo à internet, Lisbon: Decifrando censuras. Available at:

Dublin: AoIR. de Keulenaar, E. and Kisjes, I. (2022) ‘A genealogy of problematic information in YouTube hate speech controversies’, in Decolonizing the Internet. AoIR, Dublin: AoIR. Available at:

de Keulenaar, E. and Kisjes, I. (2022) ‘Dissenting speech norms and the evolution of “alt-tech” as counter-public spheres’, in The Transformation of Public Dissent. ECREA pre-conference, ECREA. Available at: (Accessed: 15 December 2023).

Emillie de Keulenaar and Ivan Kisjes (2022) ‘After deplatforming: digital methods for documenting YouTube and Twitter moderation’, in Responding to Asian Diversity. DH2022, Online: DH conference. Available at:

de Keulenaar, E. and Kisjes, I. (2021) ‘Where will they go? Mapping the exodus of COVID conspiracy communities from mainstream to alternative platform ecologies’, in Congress 2021 of the Humanities and Social Sciences . Canadian Communication Association , Online: Canadian Communication Association.


de Keulenaar, E., Kisjes, I. and Tuters, M. (2020) ‘How Kekistan united and divided the Right: Transcoding an incoherent movement’, in 2020 Online Conference . Memes: The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism? , Online: King’s College London.

de Keulenaar and Poell, T. (2020)Social Media and the Refugee Crisis: Tracing Divergences between Broadcasting Media and Social Media Users’s Discourses on the Refugee Crisisin Dutch Research Council’s Synergy Conference , Hilversum: NWO. 

de Keulenaar, E., van Wissen, L. and Kisjes, I. (2019) ‘Measuring the relevance of Social Sciences and Humanities research in Dutch societal debates (2000-2018), in. 6th DH Benelux Conference, Liège.

Tuters, M., Kisjes, I. and de Keulenaar, E. V. (2019) ‘Consider the Comments: a Web Ethnography of Race-based Conspiracy Theories About Europe Under Threat’, in Authors’ Conference 2019. Populism and polarization: a dual threat to Europe’s liberal democracies? , Cologne: EUROLAB.

de Keulenaar, E. V. (2019) ‘Partisan Epistemics: The War for Facts in Online Political Subcultures’, in Brighton Digital Festival . Messy Edge , Brighton: University of Brighton.

de Keulenaar, E. V. et al. (2019) ‘The Intellectualisation of Online Hate Speech: Monitoring the Alt-Right Audience on Youtube’, in. Digital Humanities Conference 2019 , Utrecht: Utrecht University.

de Keulenaar, E. V. and Kisjes, I. (2019) ‘Tracing intellectual exchanges in the right-wing communities of 4chan/pol’, in A Century of Radical Right Extremism . New Approaches , Richmond University: Centre of Analysis on the Radical Right.

de Keulenaar, E. V. et al. (2018) ‘Mapping the Multiverse of Alternative Facts in the Age of Post-Truth’, in Interface Politics II . After Post-Truth , Barcelona: GREDITS.

Melissen, J. and de Keulenaar, E. V. (2017) ‘Digital Diplomacy as a Global Challenge: The Experience of Middle Power South Korea’, in. Middle Powers: Passive or Active Stakeholders? , Louvain: Universté Catholique de Louvain.

 Talks, seminars and workshops


Data for Peace and Security 

  • Opportunities and shortcomings in conflict and reconciliation monitoring: the case of the 2nd Nagorno-Karabakh war
NYU Centre on International Cooperation


Digital methods workshop

  • Training UNDP personnel in digital methods 
UNDP Georgia


Understanding Hate Speech Challenges in the South Caucasus: Normative and Empirical aspects

  • Detecting extreme speech in more-to-less moderated platforms
UNDP Georgia

Leveraging Technology for Peace in an Increasingly Digital World

  • Digital methods and so ft ware design for conflict mediation
Antalya Diplomacy Forum

COVID and the media

  • Consensus and misinformation in the process of COVID-19 sensemaking
Amsterdam Data Science

Where did they all go? The deep vernacular web a ft er the 2019 ‘summer of deplatforming’

The Hmm Framer Framed
War on Knowledge: Beyond the Evidence
Brighton Digital Festival

IC2S2 Datathon on YouTube Extreme Speech

  • From the Vernacular to the Conceptual: On the Intellectualisation of Hate Speech Vernacular in YouTube Transcripts and Comments

5th International Conference on Computational Social Science


Transgressive Language and Taboo Knowledge in the Reactionary Subcultures of the Deep Vernacular Web

European Media Art Festival

Partisan Epistemics in the Encyclopaedia of Alternative Facts
Impakt Festival
Culturele Zondag evening debate on  the documentary 'Trollen, Trump en Thierry' (de Jong, 2018)
Tegenlicht Meet Up


Technology and Diplomacy: Looking to the Future

  • Algorithmic diplomacy: programming mediation techniques in YouTube’s recommender system
University of Oxford

Research trajectory

2021 - ongoing
PhD candidate
  • Taught an MA class on Disinformation and Platform Governance for the Dutch Research School for Media Studies. 
  • Taught a BA and MA class on Media Policy and Regulation at the University of Groningen.
  • Taught an MA class on Auditing Algorithms at the University of Amsterdam.
  • Co-authored a report with the Dutch Ministry of Social and Cultural Policy on COVID-19 conspiracy theories across Dutch media. 
University of Groningen
2020 - ongoing

Research consultant

  • Conflict monitoring the second Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on YouTube, VK, Twitter and Facebook.

  • Provided training in digital methods for conflict monitors and peacebuilders.

  • Conflict monitoring the Russia-Ukraine war.
UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (Innovation Cell)
2018 - ongoing


  • Research on political extremism across the fringe-to-mainstream Web
2020 - 2021
Research fellow

Research assistant

King's College London
2019 - 2020

Junior researcher

University of Utrecht
2018 - 2020

Junior researcher at the Time Machine project

University of Amsterdam
2019 - 2020

Lecturer in Media Theory and New Media and Digital Culture

• Taught Media Theory at undergraduate level.
• Co-taught Adanced Topics: The Deep Vernacular Web (BA).
• Co-taught Meme War: Mapping the Radicalisation of Late-10’s Participatory Culture (MA).
• Co-taught Radical Subcultures Online (MA).

University of Amsterdam
2015 - 2016

Research intern

  • Researching the use of "digital diplomacy" in the South Korean MFA. 

Clingendael Institute of International Relations

Previous education

Research Masters in New Media and Digital Culture from the University of Amsterdam

MA in History of Political Thought and Intellectual History from University College London and Queen Mary, University of London

BA (Hons) in Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges from Leiden University College (Magna Cum Laude)

  • Minor: History of Latin-American Political Thought, from the University of São Paulo
Laatst gewijzigd:17 januari 2024 17:15