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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. E.P.C. (Etienne) Gaudrain


Evaluating speech-in-speech perception via a humanoid robot

Perception of voice cues in school-age children with hearing aids

Musical Emotion Categorization with Vocoders of Varying Temporal and Spectral Content

The Role of Word Content, Sentence Information, and Vocoding for Voice Cue Perception

Use of a humanoid robot for auditory psychophysical testing

Relationship between irregularities in spontaneous otoacoustic emissions suppression and psychophysical tuning curves

Vocal and semantic cues for the segregation of long concurrent speech stimuli in diotic and dichotic listening-The Long-SWoRD test

Behavioral Account of Attended Stream Enhances Neural Tracking

Effect of Channel Interaction on Vocal Cue Perception in Cochlear Implant Users

Effect of Spectral Contrast Enhancement on Speech-on-Speech Intelligibility and Voice Cue Sensitivity in Cochlear Implant Users

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The keen hearing of young musicians

VICI Grant: Voice perception with a robot

Scientific American Podcast - Bring a Musician to Untangle Cocktail Party Din