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A journey through the natural world of the Parc National du Banc d'Arguin in Mauritania

The chronology of overfishing in a remote West-African coastal ecosystem

Cartographie des herbiers subtidaux dans le Parc National du Banc d'Arguin (PNBA), Mauritanie: Rapport de mission

Eine Reise durch die Naturwelt des Parc National du Banc d‘Arguin in Mauretanien

Growth and population structure of bloody cockles Senilia senilis at Banc d’Arguin and Bijagós with different environmental conditions and harvesting regimes

To see, hear and speak: How counts of birds in individual trees help address the environmental causes of the Sahel

Twenty years of monitoring reveal overfishing of bony fish stocks in the coastal national park Banc d’Arguin, in Mauritania

Fossilized diatoms as indirect indicators of the origin of carbon stored in intertidal flats

Microbial communities in developmental stages of lucinid bivalves

Rapport de l’atelier scientifique international sur la lagune de Bellaât

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Een kleine beurs met grote gevolgen

Banc d'Arguin: De waddenzee van Afrika