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Portal vein thrombosis and hemostatic alterations in patients with advanced liver diseases

Congruent identification of imbalanced fibrinolysis by 2 distinct clot lysis time assays

Fibrin clots from patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure are weaker than those from healthy individuals and patients with sepsis without underlying liver disease

Observational study on the timing and method of interruption by hospital consultants during the opening statement in outpatient consultations

Samen beslissen met kind en ouders

“The portal vein in patients with cirrhosis is not an excessively inflammatory or hypercoagulable vascular bed, a prospective cohort study”: reply

Do consultants do what they say they do? Observational study of the extent to which clinicians involve their patients in the decision-making process

Effects of Inflammation on Hemostasis in Acutely Ill Patients with Liver Disease

Nonmalignant portal vein thrombi in patients with cirrhosis consist of intimal fibrosis with or without a fibrin-rich thrombus

The portal vein in patients with cirrhosis is not an excessively inflammatory or hypercoagulable vascular bed, a prospective cohort study

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