dr. ir. E. (Eva) Corpeleijn
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher

e.corpeleijn umcg.nl
Keywords: Nutrition Epidemiology, Lifestyle Medicine, Physical activity, Accelerometry, cohort studies, randomized controlled lifestyle interventions, obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2
Eva Corpeleijn (Associate Professor, Epidemiology, UMCG) is trained as a nutritional epidemiologist and medical physiologist and specializes in the role of nutrition in relation to chronic diseases, to support the treatment of diseases and also to prevent co-morbidities and complications. Her ambition is to evaluate nutrition for secondary and tertiary prevention of chronic diseases in the UMCG and beyond. She aims for a strong collaboration of the experts in the field of nutrition within and outside the UMCG with the goal of successful fundraising and publication of papers with impact on policy.
She is successful in this endeavor with now more than 150 publications and more than 20 PhDs. She has an extensive national network as president of the Dutch Association for the Study of Obesity and is thus delegated to the Partnership on Obesity Netherlands (PON) and the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO). She has chaired the Dutch Nutrition Science Days for many years and is consulted as an expert by RIVM, VWS, Health Council, Coalition Lifestyle in Care and Knowledge Center Dietitians for Overweight and Obesity, among others. In addition, she is a working group member of the national working group "lifestyle in health care education" and aims to bring nutrition research in the UMCG to a higher level by exchanging knowledge and offering courses.
Eva Corpeleijn (Associate Professor, Epidemiology, UMCG) is trained as a nutritional epidemiologist and medical physiologist and specializes in the role of nutrition in relation to chronic diseases, to support the treatment of diseases and also to prevent co-morbidities and complications. Her ambition is to evaluate nutrition for secondary and tertiary prevention of chronic diseases in the UMCG and beyond. She aims for a strong collaboration of the experts in the field of nutrition within and outside the UMCG with the goal of successful fundraising and publication of papers with impact on policy.
She is successful in this endeavor with now more than 150 publications and more than 20 PhDs. She has an extensive national network as president of the Dutch Association for the Study of Obesity and is thus delegated to the Partnership on Obesity Netherlands (PON) and the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO). She has chaired the Dutch Nutrition Science Days for many years and is consulted as an expert by RIVM, VWS, Health Council, Coalition Lifestyle in Care and Knowledge Center Dietitians for Overweight and Obesity, among others. In addition, she is a working group member of the national working group "lifestyle in health care education" and aims to bring nutrition research in the UMCG to a higher level by exchanging knowledge and offering courses.
Other positions
Research Unit leader ‘Lifestyle Medicine in Obesity and Diabetes’
President of the Netherlands Association for the Study of Obesity (pro deo)
Member of the Dutch Health Council committee ‘Nutritional recommendations for pregnant women’ (2017 – now) (vacatiegeld)
lid van werkgroep ‘Overgewicht en Leefstijl in Zorgopleidingen’ in opdracht van het ministerie van VWS
Een uitgebreide vakinhoudelijke belangenverklaring is te vinden op de website van de Nederlandse Academie voor voedingswetenschappen: https://www.voedingsacademie.nl/members/eva-corpeleijn/
President of the Netherlands Association for the Study of Obesity (pro deo)
Member of the Dutch Health Council committee ‘Nutritional recommendations for pregnant women’ (2017 – now) (vacatiegeld)
lid van werkgroep ‘Overgewicht en Leefstijl in Zorgopleidingen’ in opdracht van het ministerie van VWS
Een uitgebreide vakinhoudelijke belangenverklaring is te vinden op de website van de Nederlandse Academie voor voedingswetenschappen: https://www.voedingsacademie.nl/members/eva-corpeleijn/
Last modified: | 01 March 2024 12.24 p.m. |