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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons ing. D. (Duco) Kramer


Disruption of tuftelin 1, a desmosome associated protein, causes skin fragility, woolly hair and palmoplantar keratoderma

Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition leads to cellular phenotype correction of DSP-mutated keratinocytes

Functional investigation of two simultaneous or separately segregating DSP variants within a single family support the theory of a dose-dependent disease severity

Subepidermal type VII collagen speckles as an additional clue for diagnosing epidermolysis bullosa acquisita by salt-split skin serum analysis

Dynamic loading of human engineered heart tissue enhances contractile function and drives a desmosome-linked disease phenotype

Gain-of-function mutation in ubiquitin ligase KLHL24 causes desmin degradation and dilatation in hiPSC-derived engineered heart tissues

The expression pattern of N-acetyltransferase 1 in healthy human skin

Endocytosis of IgG, Desmoglein 1, and Plakoglobin in Pemphigus Foliaceus Patient Skin

Murine type VII collagen distorts outcome in human skin graft mouse model for dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa

Nanotomie van huid en mucosa van pemfiguspatiënten

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Gain-of-function mutation in ubiquitin ligase KLHL24 causes desmin degradation and dilatation in hiPSC-derived engineered heart tissues